Chrome has a "Window Resizer" plugin that lets you do things like that.
The mouse has to be outside of the Textbox, or the textbox will grab the events, in this example. It doesn't report all buttons though. I have 5 buttons, but only the main three report anything.
The layout doesn't change, you set it's size manually, per layout. It's the ViewPort that changes size.
You haven't picked the Sprite to destroy though, so the default is that all are picked, and so all get destroyed. You could try picking the Sprite that overlaps AllMonsters, or store the UID of the Sprite when you create it, and pick the Sprite when you need to destroy.
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The AJAX plugin lets you load a file from the Project.
You are checking the Position against the data. a) the position is two numbers, not one: X,Y
b) with an X & Y already, you don't have to search the array, just index it directly: Inventory_Array.At(Inv_Slot.PositionX, Inv_Slot.PositionY) = 0 ...
delgado It doesn't input PNGs, it only outputs them. If you've done the hard part already, GYFM won't help much.
Your game is too monstrous to investigate. I suggest making a smaller example the shows the same problem, so people can have a look.
This is a video driver issue. Try updating your driver. Otherwise you are looking at a new video card to avoid this. This has been documented many times.
You could pick a random object and use: Z Order: Move to object.
You are spawning on layer 0, which is the background. Spawn on "Main".
— - You'll have to be a bit more specific than that. The new sample file had a problem, which I've fixed, but I've tested on a fresh system and it is working fine.
Member since 28 May, 2012