You can call into JavaScript.
Browser.ExecJS("parseFloat(" & Function.Param(0) & ", 10).toFixed(" & Function.Param(1) & ")")[/code:3tdpp7jt] [url=] ... l_BHT.capx[/url]
You can check if a Set is processing and delay your get until it is done. ... edGet.capx
Edit: use a larger number (-100), or just check for a low value (-100) and Stop the sound.
Sound only goes down, not up, so your value needs to be between 0 and some negative number (start with -60).
Sound always plays at full volume (0db). You can only decrease it: -5, -150,...
In XDK, in the Cordova Hybrid Mobile App Settings, Add Plugins to this Project, scroll down and pick StatusBar.
To call it from C2:
int(random(0,3)) to get 0,1,2.
choose(0,1,2) should work fine.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I've posted various Timer examples over the years. ... ullet.capx ... ample.capx ... 50424.capx ... 51210.capx ... imers.capx
System:Pick by comparison
Using gamecorpstudio's example, click on the Flashlight, create a container and add the Lightbeam. Make two more copies of the Flashlight. Done!
That's not true. Provide a real example. Half the time people do this, they change myVar in doThis, and then when event 3 is hit, the condition is now true so the code executes. They should use ELSE, instead of testing the opposite condition.
The problem is if you leave the state in "wait", event 4 runs constantly. You want this event to stop running while the Wait runs, and then the events after the Wait proceed, setting the state back to "walk".
That's why a Timer makes this simpler, in my opinion. the code is easier to follow.
Here's two simplifications. ... r_bht.capx ... 2_bht.capx
Member since 28 May, 2012