cmr333's Recent Forum Activity

  • When Construct 2 has .exe format can't we just publish it onto steam via greenlight anyway?

  • I already have the �50 version of C2 (Personal Edition)

    but I just saw that they changed the interface and details and noticed "make ios/android and PC apps" for personal and business edition, my question is;

    Is this talking about Cocoon JS? or is Scirra making there own publishing tool for ios and android and PC?

    and I'm guessing by PC app they mean .exe file?

    Thanks in advance for your time to answer my question(s) :D

  • Kyatric lmao you just helped my brain to put the missing pieces of my knowledge of Array's by accident :P

  • Ashley

    It's on page 6 of the monster ghost game tutorial

    "Instead, we can use a global variable. Like an instance variable, a global variable (or just "global") can store text or a number. However, there's only ever one value stored"

    "However, there's only ever one value stored"

  • 1) The question I wanted to ask is, what's the difference between "PIN" and "System > set position" ?

    I've never used the PIN behaviour, I've been using System > set position all this time.

    2) Also another question, I thought in the official tutorial for beginners it said we can only create one global variable but yet I've made 3.

  • ModalCore

    Thats where the "auto" code comes in, android does that part it self (I don't know how it decides which files to go) other than that I have no idea because I haven't done this my self, I researched about this last month.

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  • You have to edit the manifest file and put this code [     android:installLocation="auto"     ]

    (Basically set installlocation to "auto")

    and no iPhone doesn't have this option because it doesn't support external SD cards anyway.

  • Ah okay, I was going to just copy and paste but deep down I just want to do everything my self so I know that I learned it.

  • zsangerous yeah I can understand your capx but I don't understand why you put "max" on one of the varibles, nevertheless I find arays still complex and I managed to make the level page without using arays :D

  • zsangerous OMG I didn't see the rar folder before, I'm starting to understand it better now, thanks

  • zsangerous yeah that's the one I read and didn't understand it

  • I know how to make a level page but, what I want to do is when you finish level 1 you then unlock level 2 on the level page and so on.

    I saw the "level page" tutorial manual but I didn't understand anything, I rather have a .capx file so I can understand better.

    Thank you for helping

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