cmr333's Recent Forum Activity

  • Nvm, I think I know what I'm doing now. Thanks again

  • Try Construct 3

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  • This must be the issue:

    can't see my license on the "My Purchases" page!

    > Customers who purchased their licenses before the new store (Around July 2012) will not see their license on the "My Purchases" page. To get a new copy of your license sent to you, please email with your payment transaction ID. We will then be happy to send you your new license./QUOTE]

    Thanks but where do I get my payment transaction ID?

  • Bump

  • Click your name on the top right, and click on Your Purchases. In the next screen, click on Download License. Place that txt file into the root of your Construct 2 folder.

    where's purchases? all I see is

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    • My profile
    • Edit profile
    • Log out
  • Hi, yesterday I just upgraded to Windows 8 (Clean install) but I don't know where to download my license file again.

    I had the personal edition, bought last summer.

  • I can see the option that we can add ads placements in C2 with the CocoonJS element, but how do I actually monetize the game with CocoonJS?

    Because I want to release my games for free on Android market but I don't want to do that if I can't monetize it and I really don't want to sell a paid app.

    Thanks in advance

  • nvm I've figured it out, thanks anyway

  • How do I do that exactly?

  • I am working on the reload and ammo feature of my game and I want to display how much ammo is left in text/number

    I created "ammo" variable in the main player and I want to know how do I put that value of ammo in a text on the HUD layer?

    Thanks in advance

  • Yeah and the best part is, even if you don't have enough votes for your game to be published, then at least you know a lot of people still actually wanted your game to be released (if you actually had votes LOL)

    Also, there isn't any time limit so I'm sure eventually it would be published as long as it has potential.

  • Also I would like to add that if we can publish our games onto Steam, would we require additional codes/plugins to publish onto Steam?

    Because I think the Steam API adds Steam features like steam cloud and achievements etc, but I'm not sure if this optional or a standard requirement.

    Thanks in advance

  • I was wondering if that when 100th version of construct 2 is released to allow us to export our games as .exe format, can we then publish it on Steam via steam greenlight?

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