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  • If you want to build something meaningfull in C2, never use variables, they are good for really simple stuff, if you rely on them heavily, you will be punished hard somewhere during the project, especially for using local variables.

    Most of the time because of lack of pointers and runtime declaration. I really feel sorry, that C2 variables lack this flexibility.

  • Cool, will try the TMX editor with next tile based game.

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  • The most apparent missing functionality is a "for each tile" loop with sorting logic (being able to sort up/down).

    Another less important could be random tile picking and knowledge about neighbors.

    But the biggest problem of the official tile map editor is the editor itself, it is missing very vital features like rectangular selection + copy/paste, multi tile selection, eye-drop tile picking. But may be C3 will bring that.

  • Let me think, I will fumble around with it a little bit and let you know.

  • Wow, man. Support of the official tilemaps opens up cool new possibilities. For example old-school top down RPG's with strict board rules/logic.

  • Cool!

  • rexrainbow

    I have a question about tiles, is it possible to make the board work without tiles? What is happening is that it doubles the amount of objects on the board, I think it consumes memory and slows down on older devices with iOS below 8 (currently having over 300 objects, instead of 150). Something like logical tile?

  • I think I understand now

  • rexrainbow

    yes, man - that's what I am doing now, when I need this flexibility. but these are still not variables and dictionary key-value pairs are not that easy to work with, compared to variables.

    I think a separate behavior could solve it, basically creating variables and variables groups inside the behavior, being able to pass their names or even create new ones on runtime.

  • Ashley

    Variables in C2 are sub-optimal, for example it's not possible to pass a variable name as an argument and access it by name during runtime, this is very very inconvenient. I remember there were some security concerns and this is by design, but it is a bad design.

    Will the situation with variables be different in C3?

  • thanks, I have to look deeper into my code

  • rexrainbow

    I don't know if it's a bug or feature, but if you use MiniBoard_GridMove beahavior to move a group only LOGICALLY "IsMoving" condition stays true all the time, although the group was moved to a new logical position. May be it should be false, if MiniboardGridMove "activated" is No?

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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