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  • I think I understand it Thanks again, this part is crucial for my project.

  • troublesum

    Thanks! Just tried your example and it works very smooth with no lags and glitches. Gonna dig into your events to understand how you did it.

    Could you roughly describe the main principle behind your implementation?

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  • MoveTo is more simple, but always works. LiteTween has more options, but sometimes gets glitchy and unreliable.

  • Hello fellas,

    I'm working on a simple multiplayer platformer and having some problems with position syncing on peer side. Don't know what is the best way to implement it:

    Host & Peer both have platform behavior = problems with position syncing on a peer side, because multiplayer conflicts with platform behavior ( collision with solids). Apparent position glitches, shaking etc.

    Only Host has platform behavior = peer has quite a noticeable lag, almost game breaking.

  • Hello there,


    Seamless layout transition:

    • game have several layouts
    • it is possible to define a condition where a certain layout will be loaded into memory and attached to some coordinates top, bottom, left, right of the current layout
    • after full transition to the layout happens, the previous layout is unloaded

    So it looks and feels like one huge map.

    This feature also could be used for procedural level generation, where smaller rooms are designed and than get shuffled.

    What do you think?

  • Yeah, but I think until "true" modularity is released, it would be nice to have this kind of simple solution. I think most of the features are already implemented in C2 (e.g. object replacement), so it should not be so hard.

  • Hello there,


    Here's a suggestion which could improve re-usage of C2 events and help create a simple modularity:

    E.g. User tries to paste events into another project, but an object, variable or the whole object type is missing.

    -> Modal window pops-up with the following options:

      1. If an object of the same type is missing let the user point to another object of the same type = "replace object"
        1.1. If the pointed object is missing some of the components from the object of the pasted event - let the user create all the variables and behaviors automatically -> confirm auto creation or manually
      3. If a variable is missing: 1) let the user point to another variable or 2) create a variable 4. If an object type is missing let the user create the missing object type by suggesting that object type 5. Or one button to create all of the above automatically (add new variables, add behaviors, create objects and object types)
  • Oki doki

  • Tom

    It seems like something wrong with PM's, they are hanging in the outbox.

  • Bought it!

    And there's still no download link in my email!

  • lucid

    Thanks man for step by step explanation, for me better than video, will give it a try )

  • Sorry for saying that, I'm completely confused on how to import the project correctly into C2 and how to export the animatioin from Spriter - .scon .scml, extra save options, etc. Everything looks so messed up and unintuitive. No animations are playing in C2 just confused by this software. I think you should improve the usability of the whole workflow. Also if you used to work with any popular animation system like flash or after affects, the way spriter works is also confusing. Don't take it personal, just my humble feedback. I would rather leave it for a current project and animate with the possibilities I have in C2. Just look at C2 it is so intuitive I could understand the way it works just from scratch, without any manuals or tutorials, that's why I sticked to C2

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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