xoros's Recent Forum Activity

  • Importing the whole .capx into existing project will be a larger step towards modularity.

  • Ashley

    Convert to family feature:

    1.Creates a copy of the object as a family with all parameters, behaviors, effects.

    2.Makes this object part of the family

    Will be a small step towards modularity. Extra: save family as file (something like capx) for later import by drag and dropping it to the stage from simplified browser interface (e.g. left vertical pane). Being able to easily copy paste families from different capx would be nice feature. I think it should be possible.

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  • 1) There's a bug, which throws "undefined property" error, when you call expressions "RoomMaxPlayers", "RoomPlayerCount", "RoomIsOpen". I think it refers to something [availableRoomsDict] which is missing in Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js

    2) SetMaxPlayers and SetRoomClosed/Opened actions

    3) Kick user action

  • Great news!

  • Great!

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  • Also, it would be great to use this plugin just as collision avoidance behavior only, without flocking.

  • Great, this one will be very useful. Will it be possible to set TargetX/Y for individual instances?

  • The most important skill for game designer is attention to details and ability to observe and understand mechanics of other games, understanding why it works or not. Modern free to play game design is heavily based on human psychology e.g. behaviorism. I would rather suggest reading some psychological studies in that area if you're interested in free to play.

    Another good technique to learn game design is trying to replicate interesting mechanics, visual feedback, rewarding systems, retention mechanics etc from other games 1:1 just for the sake of understanding, how it works under the hood.

  • The good thing, is that it is easily possible to call photon JS-API methods from C2 js-sdk. Just added "setMaxPlayers" to the plugin.

  • ThePhotons

    I am trying to figure out how to set max player in the room. There are expressions like "RoomMaxPlayers" or "RoomIsOpen", but I can't find the actions to set max players or close the room. Also expression "RoomPlayerCount" throws undefined error all the time. Seems like this functionality is not implemented completely.

    Is there any hope, that this plugin will be finished? So far I really like it and it works on all devices.

  • rexrainbow and Ashley

    I am already using your plugin to get object properties. Construct 2 or 3? definitely needs this higher level of abstraction to work with objects. e.g. something like empty/null object would be nice, where you can define custom actions, listeners, events, properties in the editor and they will appear in the event system. I know, it is possible to achieve it now with js-sdk, but would be better to have it integrated into IDE. May be something like a small text editor inside Construct, which loads a template for plugin/behavior, you can edit it and see results instantly in Construct.

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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