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  • Plenty of different ways to do this


    It might be simpler to use the Turret Behavior....Its already set up to perform exactly what you want

    But just make the actual Turret object invisible so it doesnt look silly

    Pay attention to the following Event

    'On shoot'

    Triggered at the frequency given by the Rate of fire property, when the turret both has a target and has rotated to point towards it. If the turret is to fire upon the target, you should spawn a projectile from the turret in this trigger.

    You can make the turret do anything..such as spawn the bullet at a certain location etc

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  • Obviously there will always be certain computer minimum requirements for any game..

    but I've made many Layouts far bigger than 6000x6000

    and loaded entirely with hundreds of objects and up to 20 or so parallax layers

    and it works fine

    but Testing is important....If it runs badly on your computer then You may want to downgrade the number of objects...

    Generally Tilemaps use less processing power but not always...

    It depends also on the number of Collision calls you are making per tick

  • Quote from

    "It is important to organize audio files appropriately, because audio files in the Sounds project folder are downloaded completely before playing, but files in the Music folder are streamed. This means if a Music track is accidentally put in the Sounds folder, it would have to download completely (which could take a couple of minutes) before it started playing. However, audio in the Music folder can start playing immediately since it is streamed from the server."

    So the first thing to do is to make sure any Audio files you want to play immediately should go probably in the Sounds folder...

    I would run a test first with just a few Audio files and place them in the sounds folder first then test it ...and then test against Audio files in the Music Folder

    and see which works best

    Obviously The sounds folder Files need to be Preloaded first using the method you mentioned

    Hope that helps

  • If you called the webpage by making a javascript call

    Then You should be able to "Close" The Browser by calling that function with the Browser object that calls the function in your event sheet either on a timer or simply by minimizing the browser window..


    Security limitations sometimes prevent browser actions. For example, the window Close action can only be used when the window was created by a javascript call.

    Not sure if thats what you mean...

  • Under Peer Group...You have the client input set to' Mouse 'rather than 'Touch'

    Also in the next group "common" you have done the same thing.... Using ' Mouse 'rather than 'Touch'

    does that help?

  • A Few things I noticed...not sure if they matter..

    In your 'Signalling' Group...Your's differs from the Tutorial...As seen here

    Your events differ considerably from the Tutorial Events may cause problems

    Specifically when Setting 'Block.peerid ' yours is set up differently from the tutorial...You may want to check any errors The tutorial says to associate it with MyID not PeerID...

    You have both the host and the Peer set to the 'same ID' from what I can tell it should be two different ID's

    Also..that tutorial is for Mouse Controller..I am not sure if it works the same for Touch....I guess it should but there might be differences in the setup

    That's all I can see at the moment..

  • Is your Rival Paddle a CLONE of the Player paddle...? if so may be using the same event handlers in your events sheet..

    It sounds like you have same controls and /or touch recognition for each paddle...

  • Here you go.....Only a basic function...but it should help

    includes basic patrolling enemy ..that will search /hunt the player when door is unlocked

    arrow keys to control player and E to open RED door when standing next to it...

    Also...The main reason why a pathfinding object may struggle to pathfind through an opening is due to its Cell size.

    If the cell size is too large..

    Some of the gaps between obstacles will have been closed off due to the cell size being relatively large compared to the size of the gap. BAsically what I mean is that the cells borders overlap creating the appearance of a solid obstacle.. This will make the pathfinding behavior find paths entirely around the obstacles, and never through them. You can help fix this by reducing the cell size but doing so often massively increases the computation time...Best method is to play around with cell size and Cell Border...Generally they should be the same...but often you can solve problems by altering these values in relation to each other..

    Also ..its worthwhile to note that placement of obstacles can either streamline pathfinding or inhibit it.

    Taking more care when designing your levels by making sure that gaps are large enough or as less complicated as possible will really speed up pathfinding computation time..

    And never perform 'pathfinding' calls or 'Regenerate obstacle map' Calls Every will slow down your processing drastically.

    For a better explanation...see here

  • There is a Show Collision mesh toggle button under VIEW ->display in your construct 2 editor if that helps any...

  • In your examples Folder of Construct 2 is a file called

    'Particle Thruster.capx' sounds pretty much like what you want...

  • Yes oosyrag is correct

    but just to clarify ..To do that method above you would need to make sure that you select the Top exterior sprite when you check for overlapping

    if you want a fancy smooth Fade Transition...

    -Add 2 Fade Behaviors to your Ship Exterior .Sprite

    -Rename one as FADE_IN

    -set 'Active at start' to NO

    -set up your Fade in time to some value you like.

    -Set Fade out time to 0

    -Set Destroy to NO

    Rename second FADE Behavior as FADE_OUT

    --set 'Active at start' to NO

    -set up your Fade in time to 0

    -Set Fade out time to some value you like.

    -Set Destroy to NO

    Then make new Events that call each Fade Behavior according to which one you want..either FADE_IN or FADE_OUT

    for example...

    Player-->is Overlapping Exterior Ship.Sprite

    Trigger once while true

    --> ExteriorShip.Sprite -> FADE_OUT->Start Fade

    and another event

    Player-->is NOT Overlapping Exterior Ship.Sprite (invert Condition)

    Trigger once while true

    --> ExteriorShip.Sprite -> FADE_IN->Start Fade

    This should make a smooth Fade in/out Transition which is Time variable

  • If you are using Arrays for your item could use the Actions

    "Contains value"

    This searches the entire array to check if any of the elements contains the given value. For example, you can use this to test if the string "sword" is stored anywhere in the array.

    "For each element"

    A repeating condition that runs once for each element in the array. This therefore runs width x height x depth times.


    "Compare current value"

    Only valid in a For each element loop, either as a following condition or in a sub-event.

    These actions might help you..using a Textbox for search input

    Event---> Textbox >On text changed-->

    Action1--> Array>For each element -->

    Action2--> Compare current value (Textbox.text)

    Event--> Array.CurValue = (Textbox.text)

    Action--> whatever you want to happen

    or something like that

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Member since 14 May, 2012

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