Nepeo's Recent Forum Activity

  • Well we've added the additional configuration options to the plugin now, but I understand your position.

  • I've seen some suggestion that the longer your game is out the better idea they have about what type of people use it ( presumably via users who don't limit ad tracking ) hence they can market ad spots with some level of categorisation instead of generalised ones to the advert providers.

    Good to confirm that this appears to be correct, but it is frustrating.

  • I think Laura_D did some tutorials related to this, at least we worked through some ideas for it when building the area transitions for the "not a pokemon" game she's been making on the Twitch steams. If memory serves me correctly she used 2 sets of special marker objects. One set related to arriving from a layout and another for leaving. Each marker had instance variables saying what the arrival target was, as well as the new layout.

    EDIT: I found the tutorial

  • I believe the client ID is specific to the packageID/signature combination, so you shouldn't be able to create a APK that works with 2 different signatures.

    Yeah so basically if you choose the signature of your key it will only work when your doing local builds. If you choose the signature of the GPlay key then it will only work when the game is published.

  • Are you using Google App Signing with your app?

  • Your problem with Achievements is likely related to having the incorrect signature for your APK in the API console. If the signature is wrong the sign in dialog will appear, and then immediately disappear without logging you in. This is a "security feature" of the Google Auth API.

    If you created your keystore using the tool in Construct then we would have showed you the signature of the keystore at the time. However, if you are using "Google app signing" then the signature will change when you upload the APK to the play store.

    You don't have to publish your APK to the store to test that this works, but the APK must be signed with the keystore that you specified when setting up G Play Games.

    The other issue sounds related to this. We have already updated to the new newer billing library in Mobile IAP.

  • I'm afraid I don't have any advice on getting adverts to show when limit ad tracking is enabled. But I would generally advise you structure your game logic with the assumption that you will only sometimes get an advert. Perhaps trying to load a video advert, then offering a reward to users if it loaded? However, I'm not sure what the Admob guidelines say about loading an advert but not showing it.

    Anyway back to "limit ad tracking". There doesn't appear to be any particularly useful suggestions online about it, other than "get more users" ( because that's nice and easy... ). If you do discover something we can change/add that will improve the number of adverts being served then we're happy to look into it, just tag me in a post with whatever source you found.

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  • Okay I put together a little example of how to do movement with touch input.

    It's got a visual representation of a virtual analogue stick for each touch on screen. There's 3 examples included, each within a different group. You have to disable the other 2 and enable the one you want to see.

    The 3 examples are 4 direction movement, 8 direction movement and analogue movement. First 2 use 8 direction with simulated input. Last one just moves the character around manually.

    At the moment all of the virtual analogue sticks are contributing to movement, and there are as many of those as touches... You probably only want to use the first one!

  • Ah yeah the sqrt thing is a typo it should be sqrt(x * x + y * y), basically using pythagoras to get the magnitude of the vector. I'll try work up a quick example when I can.

  • Colludium I'm guessing you already found this, but it sounds like an issue with WebAssembly.Memory growth?

  • It will keep the attached object in the center of the screen, but will not move any part of the viewport outside of the layout.

    When attached to a character; moving the character to the bottom left will cause the behaviour to scroll to the bottom left.

    If that's not what you want then there are system actions which allow you to manually control the camera position. "Scroll to position", "Scroll X", "Scroll Y", "Scroll to object".

    You should just give it a go, takes like 2 minutes to create a project to test it.

  • The easiest way to do this is to add the "scroll to" behaviour to your character, this will cause the viewport to follow the character while respecting the edges of the layout.

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