I am running your example Particles - Behavior Flags - Elastic.cp3.
I am trying to get the particle groups to stick together and not flow away by adjusting
the parameter "particle system elastic strength" a value from 0 to 100 (according to the documentation)
I only added one line to the example (see below). It does not have any effect if it is 1 or 99.
Can you explain how I make the block more stiff like a rubber box instead of a liquid?
(I tried setting spring strength too.)
(I noticed that Particles - createsingles.c3p does not create any particles I can see)
thanks for your time
// This is all the Liquidfun documentation says about Elastic particles:
Elastic particles deform and may also bounce when they collide with rigid bodies.
From the cpp code, Elastic particles are connected in triads, or 3s.
-> ctrl: LFJS Turn Elastic behavior ON for spawning
// next line elastic strength to 99 (tried 9--makes no difference)
-> ctrl: LFJS Particle system elastic strength: 99
// end changes
-> ctrl: LFJS Set spawn color to rgba(250,140,30,255)
-> ctrl: LFJS Create particle "tag", shape box at 160, 300, width 200, height 200, angle 0