JonnyBrove's Recent Forum Activity

  • you are the fucking best ty man so much

  • so i tried what you said and it made so many bullets it started to lag my game

  • So I have a Number of issues

    1. for some reason Only one of my carrots is shooting at a time if anyone can take a look at my game file and help me out that would be amazing

    2. I want to fix the carrot animation so that they are not in just one frame all the time I want them to be able to chase the player while changing frames when moving

    3. I am also attempting to try to stop the carrots from stacking on one another

    while chasing the player

    any help is appreciated ... .capx?dl=0

    this is my game file for C2

    it is a class project called vegetables wars

    the idea is you are a broccoli vs carrots

  • Just tried them out and I have to thank you guys so fking much You guys saved my life thank you so much, not only did I learn that you can choose a variable within sprite from the system. cant say thanks enough xD

  • i will take a look into this thank you for the insight ill let you guys know how it works out

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  • ok so in the game in making it trying to make the button q change gravity and change it back so I'm able to just change between with 1 button

    this is my game file its called Robert rogers it's not much but this would help a lot

    if it asks for decryption key it's this


  • so I have been having this issue for a while I am creating a game for a competition in my college but this loop animation is killing me when I walk to the left or right it just continues like forever.!UQZmWZbL

    that is my capx file would really love some help here

  • you saved my grades god bless your soul

  • hello guys I I could use some help im trying to figure out if there is anyway I can make my character walk on the roof or ceiling with the press of a button and then press the same button again to go back to the floor

    anyhelp? would be amazing ty

  • so I have this game due for class due tomorrow at midnight.

    If someone who is more experienced

    we only need 1 level complete

    this is alot to ask but if anyone can skype with me and help me create this game level pm me if you can help me for free im still a college student so im pretty broke

  • Hello hello I am a student as a video game designer and would really enjoy this program so looking forward to trying my best to create some enjoyable games

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Member since 28 Feb, 2016

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