— -- The pathnames in your video are blurry, so I cannot be sure, but I believe you exported the Construct2 project a second time, on top of an existing project that had previously been imported by the XDK. Is that correct?
If my assumption is correct, then I believe what is happening is you are confusing the XDK by changing the contents of a "known good" project file (the <project-name>.xdk file) with a project file that was exported by Construct2.
Try this process, instead, when you intend to export a new copy of your project from Construct2:
* "remove" the old project from the XDK project list
* exit the XDK
* delete (or rename) the old project's folder
* export your Construct2 project
* "open" the newly exported Contruct2 project
The <project-name>.xdk file that is exported by Construct2 is a "partial" project file, it gets "completed" by the XDK on the very first open. Once it has been added to the list of projects in the project file list it is expected to be in this "completed" state the next time it is opened -- but if that <project-name>.xdk file has been over written, the project is no longer in that "completed" state. This is likely the cause of the error message you are seeing in the video.
Let me know if the process described above works.
In essence, if you are going to export the same project, multiple times, onto the same location on your development system, you need to first remove the old project from the XDK project list AND remove it from your system (or rename the project folder so it is effectively gone).