Some times when I am working in Construct 3 (Im using the Desktop version or whatever, not in the browser.)
I will zoom on the layout and it acts like its in google chrome and zooms the UI of construct 3 instead. It will be so big or small that it is unusable, and I dont know how to reset the zoom of the UI or change it when I want too. So why is it happening and how do I do it? I am just holding Ctrl + scroll wheel to zoom in but it seems to just be random. I cant even read the UI now its sooo small.
Any help?
Edit: Fix\Half fix
If you Scroll with the Scroll Wheel first then hold Ctrl it seems to zoom the UI of construct. If you hold Ctrl first then Scroll it zooms the Layout view.
Not sure if that is a bug or the way its supposed to work but I thought id post the fix here in case anyone else comes looking here for a fix. I dont really like that setup.