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  • Hi all,

    I've been an avid user of Construct 2 for a couple of years now, and I have worked on some extensive projects to date. Eventually it becomes difficult to avoid repetition when it comes to the event sheets, i.e if you have multiple player characters who all need the same code, or if you're attempting to create a customizable control system for your game. In any case, I have found the event system hotkeys to be invaluable.

    I am wondering if there is a way to create a plugin (or if one already exists) which deals with Construct's event system interface, rather than dealing with game objects/behaviors, or run-time events.


    I'd simply like to be able to apply the 'r' hotkey concept (which replaces an object within an event with another object of the user's choice), to conditions. In my personal example, I'd like to be able to replace not only objects, but keyboard keys within conditions as well, as opposed to having to manually edit each individual event, which inevitably becomes tedious. I would certainly understand if the scope of my request is outside the limits of the Javascript SDK, but I'd like to hear it from someone who has more experience with the SDK.


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Member since 14 Feb, 2016

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