You can update variable settings in the Debugger. However if C3 is running on JS backend such as Node/NW.js. Then it may be possible for "Exposed variables". However having created grid math in Unity that support "exposed variables". Unless the basic code supports grid math updates. Then tweaking the vars won't update the grid. And upadting the grid everytick seems to be overhead on the game logic. However a grid Plugin with exposed variables could be an other matter. And work nicely. I'll put in the exposed variable idea into the the section where the IDE supports live runtime.
I sympathize with you on the create by object name. I've sooo desired it myself. unfortunately due to string safety and obfuscation I suspect that this will never be in. however what you rmostly wanting is a switch case object creation, and maybe we can see this in C3 if the request for custom objects, and object reference get's added.
image textures are in the request.
Ladders are based on a plugin feature and don't really require architect changes. I've seen many ladders in various C2 platform games.
if( player is over ladder[spriteObject] && controller.up)
Do you mean you want the project properties and the layout properties in their own window?