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  • Yes, a capx would help everyone.

    At the moment still 3 posibilities open.

    1/ The buggy insects are solids and you have the behaviour set to avoid solids.

    2/ The buggy insects are not solids, but there are solids in play, and cellsize & -border are set so it does not get past them.

    3/ You call the pathfindig to much/to fast. It takes time to find a path. If you call it to fast again, it will not finish, but start over. Over and over again. Without ever having the time to find a solution.

  • > Couldn't you just create a family and put all the objects you want in them, then give it instance variables to record their x/y positions and compare them each frame and do any corrections if necessary?

    > So you'd shift them at the end of the events, and then restore their positions at the beginning of the events.

    > Idk.. just an idea i had.

    > But yeah, I only make low-res pixel games, so this sort of thing would be important to solve, as well as any other jitter related issues.


    Thats 1 solution in a nut shell, but can be performance costly doing that via events depending on the type of game you are making.

    Naw, takes 1 event.

    Make a family containing all moving objects.

    Loop through them with a 'for each'

    Set x to x + (x%2)

    Set y to y + (y%2)

    Dunno about the inpact on performance. But i expect it to draw quicker because the n^2 rule.

  • Naw, takes 1 event.

    Make a family containing all moving objects.

    Loop through them with a 'for each'

    Set x to x + (x%2)

    Set y to y + (y%2)

    Dunno about the inpact on performance. But i expect it to draw quicker because the n^2 rule.

  • There 1 (in fact only one) page in the manual that you have to read to understand 90% of C2.

    This one:


    Have fun coding.

  • Ok, so you do ....

    On (circle) collision with (block)

    Take the value of an instance variable of block ....

    use it to set the color of the circle

    In 1 event

    And the circle is moved by physics


    Edit: oh no prob.

  • Pixel's option is a good 'general' solution too. But first you gots to learn eh ? : )

    See it like this. I am supposed to tip you gentle on the nose. But, on the moment that i tip, i animate my finger with out moving my hand. In no time, i make my finger 3 times longer. Where is my finger then? This kind of animations cant be handled in a physics world. Platform is a physics world.

  • How is the circle moving ?

    Do you use 'is overlapping' ? Or 'on collison' ? A lil more info plz ? A picture mayby ? A capx ?

    You cant have to many instance for it to stop working.

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  • An 'is falling' under a 'on collision' can not work = flawed logic. Because when the collision happens it cant be in a state of falling after the collision check.

    It works sometimes because of the animating colision polygones. Wich is a bad thing.

    Animating colision polygones in big steps can NOT handle Collisions, Solids, nor Physics.

    Use One conddition. the condiditon 'is overlapping at ofset' for this situation. Replacing the 'on condition' and the 'is falling'.

  • Easyest is to dissable the jump key. But then u have to set 'default controls' on 'no' in the behaviour. And simulate (thats an action in sprite > platform) all the keys. Ex. : When left key pressed > simulate left.

    For the jump you need a variable that you set to zero on start up. And set to 1 when player jumps.

    So logic for jump is this.

    In the same event: 2 conditions combined :

    Up key pressed

    variable = 0

    actions :

    simulate jump

    set variable to 1

  • I am a bit suprised that it works at all. Because, when the collision is happening it is done with falling.

    That logic is flawed.

    Did you check the collision polygones? Do they grow with the animation (and shrink) ? That would explain why it sometimes does work. Because the animation, when it goes from frame 2 to frame 1, schrinks the collsion polygones on the moment it dedected a collsion, therefor it goes falling again.

    A better way of dooing this is with ONLY a 'is overlapping at offset' with y = 15 pixels or so. Dunno how big your objects are.

    More about those collision polygones animating. Imagine an object 1 pixel above animation fram 0. All is fine. No solids stuck in eachother. Then it animaties (like ***** in big steps) to animation frame 2, and suddenly the solids are caught up in eachother. Got to watch that, dangerus, errating movements as result.

  • How you mean only one time ?

  • I made my 2 projects in jan. and febr. After that my time got limited again, and i dropped in a black hole. Whitout a running project i have 2 options, lose what i learnded, or learn by solving other peoples puzzles. I learned an awfull lot that way, past months. I help when it is a challenge for me (well i hope i help). So for me, the motivation is differend. But yeah, i got that feeling you have a lot. And i dont feel a *******

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Member since 12 Feb, 2016

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