I got to dissapoint you, thinking in IF/THEN will give you problems.
Plz read this very carefully.
It comes down to this ...
Actions run IF the condition is TRUE and ONLY on the objects picked by that condition AND on all unreferenced objects when adressed directly in that action. When there is a pick condition for a certain object, but none got picked, the actions have no objects to run on, even if the condition is TRUE.
As you see (the document explains it better, at least its English) ... if/then is 1/3th of the story. Wish someone would write those two line in good English for me, so i can copy and past it for ever. : )
About creating from a famely. Creating from a family creates a random member of that family.
The creation/spawning action creates objects that are directly adressed by that create action, independent of wich objects are picked in the condition. Of course, the condition must be true for the action to run.
About the 'run under a flag'. Just make 2 sub events. One containing an empty block (or an on every tick condition) and one containing the flag conditions. Actions go where they belong.
I hope you have fun with construct as much as i do. For me, coding is the game, not that interrested in the games coded.