I found it, thanks for your help!
All I can find is the "Project Properties" and that doesn't have this option.
When I run my game after exporting it, it goes to the first layout that was created.. since I created the first layout I've created a main menu layout. I'd like to this layout as the default layout the game goes to. How do I do this?
I figured out what the issue was, it was that my scroll to behavior was on multiple objects. So it didn't work right. Thanks for your help!
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So I switched it to tick->System Scroll to object->Player
It still isn't working properly. What am I doing wrong?
Well I tried using the scroll to behavior on my player and the camera never centered on the player correctly. It would work until I went off the window. So I switched it to system every click ->System Scroll to player.x and player.z and that doesn't work either.
sn50.com/MineCraft For Losers.capx
The window isn't following the player x and y position. I've set it to every tick to check and set the window scroll to, to the player but nothing happens. I also made sure to enabled unbounded scrolling (set to yes).
Image to view the action and events:
Member since 7 Apr, 2012