To replicate you need to have WebGL enabled and export to Awesomium with the broswer object requesting the Letterbox Scale event. Basically, when you change layouts the game will crash and the only way to exit is by pressing alt+f4.
I�m dead tired right now but I can run some tests tomorrow and export an capx.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Thank you GenkiGenga, I hope Rexu doesn?t mind ;]
Does anyone have the files for this system available? ;]
Have you tried turning pixel rounding on on the project properties? ;]
Amazing, I loved to see the process behind it ;]
it?s odd to see someone not likeing to draw in a cintiq, I?m on one right now and I almost cry when I have to leave work and use my bamboo at home, hahah ;/
Also, it�s easier to animate and to control expectations. When you see Mario in 8bits you don�t expect him to have a full walk cycle, 2 frames to show he�s walking are enough. ;]
What I can?t understand is if microsoft isn?t going to support webgl, why haven?t them integrated their own solution yet?
Now, that�s some good news ;o
You can set an text object to Every Tick > Set Text to "x:" & object.x & " y:" & object.y ;]
There are some debug plugins too
Yeah,I really wish there was a better method of using tilesets on C2. Editing more complex maps can be a shore.
rexrainbow a dev friend of mine wants to know, does this plugin uses DeltaTime or other thing to make the game flows fine on slower computers?
I�m amazed o.o
Member since 28 Mar, 2012