2dchaos's Recent Forum Activity

  • This, please, I�m getting the shivers to think about my next game in C2 without this feature. ;o

  • This seens cool, is it similar to phonegap and cocoons?

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  • Wow, very cool game! ;] I wish I could play more right now, but I�ll definitely will give it a closer look later! ;]

  • I second that, preload everything would be really useful in some cases where the gameplay depends on the sounds playing.

  • Thanks Ashley, I really don�t know what I had in mind requesting the fullscreen to change on the start of the layout, doesn�t make sense to me now. ;]

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  • Ashley I�ve found what was causing the bug, here are the steps to reproduce:

    1 - Create a layout.

    2 - Set the fullscreen in browser inside project properties to "Letterbox Integer Scale"

    3 - On the first layout, create this event:

    "On the start of the layout > Request Full Screen(Letterbox Scale)

    Here�s the link to the .capx demonstrating the issue, thank you.


  • those events are triggered once the action has happened, if you want to have this in other events you should use the "Trigger once while true" condition ;]

  • I�ve tried to reproduce the same bug, but in a new project the window align to the center as usual. I�ll try to do more tests and will update the report, but I�m in a loss of what is causing this issue.


  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    This is a private project, I can send the .capx via pm tough.

    Here?s a screenshot of the problem:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6813637/bug_topleft.PNG" border="0" />

    Steps to reproduce:

    Unknown, I don?t use any custom plugins and my project properties seens normal. I?ve tried to reproduce the problem, but on a new project the game behaves normally when I change the layouts.

    Observed result:

    After a layout change, the games window goes from centered to the top left of the screen.

    Expected result:

    The game should be aways centered.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: unknown

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8

    Construct 2 version:


    Do you have any clue what may be causing this odd behavior? Thank you.

  • Thanks for sharing ;]

  • Hi there, my game windows is going from the center to the top-left when I change layouts. Does anyone got that problem? is there a fix? Thanks

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