Valid arguments from both sides. I'd really like to see some of Rex's plugins/behaviors become officially adopted, but I know that probably won't happen, and if it does, not anytime soon.
I've already started to remove his plugins from one game I'm working on and replacing with stock event/action coding. Disappointing, because what could be accomplished in one line, requires several. Something like Pin To Image Point should be included in the official Pin behavior.
Vote for it here:
And yes, I too would love to have Scirra adopt Rex's MoveTo behavior. I've added the idea, please vote for it here:
3 Points from me To MoveTo <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> , it hurts me so much to give 3 Points from our limited Points Basket because for something that it should be included as Default without any botting and those Points it could have gone to something else but hey what can we do I would have given 100 if I could <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">
[quote:1b8w85do]Disappointing, because what could be accomplished in one line, requires several
The same for MoveTo, That's one of the main things why I like MoveTo has the trigger on hit target where you can build all the Logic from that and organise all the events on a cleaner manner, plus much more useful things
On the side note, I understand the Scirra arguments up to a certain point but we didn't request like you do it right now at a list I didn't, we could have waited longer without any problem, obviously if I have to choose between you work on the new Run Time to make it faster and fix most of the performance issues that we have, I have no doubt I will choose Performance always first anything else can wait, but you see the difference between please wait a bit longer when we will have Time Or >>>"Definitely nooo" there is a big Gap here