> Capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/31xgr61zygs4dqk/shoot%20to%20angle2.capx?dl=0
> You can also do the same with just two line of sight
> line of sight 1 range to ( wich ever you like to star following) the player
> line of sight 2 range to (100) to trigger the attack
Hey there! Thanks for taking ur time, but the sample u provided has few errors. If u just jump behind the enemy, he stops.. And he is always moving towards the character no matter distance, we need it via LOS.
I will try 2 different line of sights, maybe that helps. But i still need help with this however.
With two Line Of Sight Capx:
Sorry about the distance to start following the player my fault I did it quick just to give you an idea.
About the second error is not really an error it meant to be to stop the enemy going crazy when is at the same x & y of the player, I left it open now so you can see why I did that, when the enemies starts to follow the player and the player stops at the same x, y you will see how starts going crazy. let me know if it helps