ColPhilBilko's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey All;

    I just bought an iPad 3 and I am waiting for it to be delivered (damn back order lol) Anyway I was in the Apple store to play around with the new iPad and I pointed the browser to my game, and from what I saw it ran somewhat decent, and almost at full speed, When I get my device I am going to be testing it further, using my own HTML5 iOS wrapper. So I will let you guys know what my findings are.

  • Thanks for all your help guys, I had to get help re-writing most of my logic lol I just was way to over complicated. It is all sussed now.

    Thanks again.

  • Ok I simplified it quite a bit as the old way was just not working correctly, however I am still having issues getting the climb animation to fire.

    Here is the new system:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I am trying to get an animation called "Climb" to fire and play when moving up or down the ladder and pause when not moving, but no matter what I do, I can not get this to work correctly.

    Also As the system is right now when I let go of the up or down arrow the character falls off the ladder, I want him to stay on the ladder unless he is either at the top or bottom.

    As usual any and all help is greatly appreciated.


  • Hey fellow C2 Guru's I am in need of your assistance. I have a bit of ladder logic that works based on gravity, which allows the player to climb up with overlapping and object and when they are not to reset the gravity back to default. I have attached a screenshot of my entire ladder code.

    The problem I am having is when the player is overlapping the object I set a boolean on the player "onLadder" to true (the default is false) and then to play "Climb" animation. Now when the player is ON the ladder it plays the animations perfectly as long as I do NOT move :( As soon as I move it defaults back to frame 1 of the climb animation and he just appears to slid up or down.

    What I need is to have the player on the ladder and if he is not climbing then pause the animation on that frame and if he moves again to continue playing from that frame..... I have been fighting with this for ages and it is doing my head in. So any and all help would be fantastic and I would be greatful for you ending my ladder torment lol.

    Thanks in advance!

    [Old Image Removed]

  • Hello all;

    Ok I have a bit of a question, I am new to this product and I am still feeling around in the dark a little. So I thought I would post here for help.

    What I need to do is have a group of sprites placed together in a couple different shapes, kinda like Tetris shapes. However each block in the shape is its own color, and this is where the random colors part needs to take over. So say for arguments sake, it is a "L" shaped tetris piece, mine would have 5 colored blocks making up that same shape. which would be randomly generated before it comes onto the scene. Each color block would also have its own behaviors attached to it for color matching e.t.c But first I want to get the movement and random block generation completed. They need to be grouped together because the player will have the option to move left to right or rotate said objects.

    Where do I start to get this working?

    Thanks in advance for your time.

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  • I am a Mac Pro user myself, I LOVE my mac, however I use Parallels, which is a mac application that runs a copy of windows seamlessly with OSX (mac), no dual boot junk needed!, the windows apps load up just like they are mac products. It runs flawlessly, hell I even have a ton of other windows development apps installed that are just not out for OSX (mac) So I have best of both worlds!

    I am running Windows 7 and OSX.

    To learn more, go here:

    So there is no need for a mac version :D Problem solved. And to be perfectly honest I hate it when companies, especially very SMALL companies like the C2 guys, spread themselves too thin trying to do two version of the software, when the end result is: half the features, half polished, half stable product. It is always best to focus on one platform, build it up, make it better, faster and more stable...... This is why C2 is as good as it is right now, because they are focused on delivering a solid product to windows users.

    Do I wish there was a mac version.... to be honest yes, but in reality I fully respect and understand why there is not and probably never will be. Like I said I would rather have a solid stable application like we have now.

    Plus as I mentioned above Parallels closes that gap, and allows mac users the best of both worlds.



  • Thank you all for your input, I am now the proud owner of C2, I look forward to giving this a whirl and seeing what I can come up with. I have all of the art done for the game I have in mind, just never had a product that could bring it to life, well not without hiring a coder at least. So now that I own C2, and joined what seems to be a fantastic community, I can't wait to get started!


  • Hello all;

    First off hello! I am new here and I hope to be an active member of this community.

    From what I have seen of this product I am blown away! I have been looking around the site, reading your posts, playing your games and from what I can see, some great stuff has come out of this community. I just wanted to post here asking if it is really as good as it claims as my clicker is on the "BUY NOW" button. I have a puzzle type game in mind, simulare to Tetris, with grid locked in movement e.t.c. Is this doable in Construct 2?

    I am sure lots of you are rolling your eyes as you read this post, but I just wanted to see your input and feedback in respects to how you all feel about this product, before clicking BUY NOW.

    Thanks so much for your time.


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Member since 16 Mar, 2012

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