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  • That worked perfectly! My problem was that I didn't import the icon/splash screen files into C2 prior to exporting. I was just zipping them with the project.

    I'm new to using PhoneGap so I have a few other questions about it that you might be able to answer.

    Can I have more than 1 app uploaded to PhoneGap without paying a subscription? I think they limit you to 1 "private" app, but is there a danger in having public apps uploaded to PhoneGap? The files are run through C2's script minifier and then zipped before uploading so can anyone really access the code anyway?

    Also, what features are ONLY available in PhoneGap by using third-party plugins? Things like in-app purchases and ads, I imagine. Do you recommend any plugins in particular? And can updates to C2, changes to PhoneGap, or iOS updates break these plugins at all? I'd hate to rely on one only to have it periodically stop working.

    Thanks to anyone who has some insight on this.

  • If anyone is having trouble getting their splash screens/icons to show up in a PhoneGap build, as I was, just use OneMuppet's instructions in this post:

    I actually switched from Ejecta to PhoneGap for iOS publishing after getting that 64-bit architecture warning from Apple, but publishing via PhoneGap ultimately gives me the same warning. Can we expect PhoneGap or Ejecta to provide 64-bit support by February? Anyone have information on this?

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  • Thank you very much for sharing! I will give this a try later today.

  • I'm exporting to PhoneGap, not Ejecta.

    Ejecta doesn't seem to support 64-bit architectures, which Apple will require for all iOS apps in February and going forward. Ejecta's documentation on GitHub claims you can set Architectures in the Project Settings of Xcode to "Standard architectures (including 64-bit)", but doing so breaks the Ejecta build and gives me a huge list of errors. Leaving the Architectures as "ARMv7" removes all errors, but then I get a warning from Apple when validating the project that they are switching to 64-bit architectures in February so I don't want to bother uploading a version of my app that will quickly become non-functional.

    Regardless, non-browser wrappers (Ejecta and CocoonJS) don't offer a performance boost anymore nor do they offer much in the way of feature support. PhoneGap seems to be the way to go for getting C2 games on iOS natively.

    I just haven't figured out how to get the PhoneGap build to recognize all my iOS icons and replace its default splash screen with my own.

  • How can I get my own custom splash screens and icons to show up when using PhoneGap? I assumed this was done by editing the config.xml file of an exported C2 project, prior to zipping it for a PhoneGap build, but adding the following code to my config.xml hasn't worked...

       <icon src="icon.png" />
    	<gap:splash src="splash.png" />
    	<!-- iPhone 6 / 6+ -->
    	<icon src="icon-60@3x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="180" height="180" />
    	<!-- iPhone / iPod Touch  -->
    	<icon src="icon-60.png" gap:platform="ios" width="60" height="60" />
    	<icon src="icon-60@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="120" height="120" />
    	<!-- iPad -->
    	<icon src="icon-76.png" gap:platform="ios" width="76" height="76" />
    	<icon src="icon-76@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="152" height="152" />
    	<!-- Settings Icon -->
    	<icon src="icon-small.png" gap:platform="ios" width="29" height="29" />
    	<icon src="icon-small@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="58" height="58" />
    	<!-- Spotlight Icon -->
    	<icon src="icon-40.png" gap:platform="ios" width="40" height="40" />
    	<icon src="icon-40@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="80" height="80" />
    	<!-- iPhone and iPod touch -->
    	<gap:splash src="Default.png" gap:platform="ios" width="320" height="480" />
    	<gap:splash src="Default@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="640" height="960" />
    	<!-- iPhone 5 / iPod Touch (5th Generation) -->
    	<gap:splash src="Default-568h@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="640" height="1136" />
    	<!-- iPhone 6 -->
    	<gap:splash src="Default-667h@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="750" height="1334" />
    	<gap:splash src="Default-Portrait-736h@3x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="1242" height="2208" />
    	<gap:splash src="Default-Landscape-736h@3x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="2208" height="1242" />
    	<!-- iPad -->
    	<gap:splash src="Default-Portrait.png" gap:platform="ios" width="768" height="1024" />
    	<gap:splash src="Default-Landscape.png" gap:platform="ios" width="1024" height="768" />
    	<!-- Retina iPad -->
    	<gap:splash src="Default-Portrait@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="1536" height="2048" />
    	<gap:splash src="Default-Landscape@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="2048" height="1536" />[/code:2s1wzmjn]
    I included all iOS 7.0+ icons, iOS 6.1 icons, and all splash screen files (properly named and sized) in the exported C2 project folder prior to zipping it for a PhoneGap build. However, none of my icons or splash screens show up after installing the .ipa file through iTunes and running the app on a test phone. Instead I get PhoneGap's default splash screen and missing icons.
    PhoneGap provides some documentation on how to include iOS icons and splash screens here ([url=http://docs.build.phonegap.com/en_US/configuring_icons_and_splash.md.html#Icons%20and%20Splash%20Screens]http://docs.build.phonegap.com/en_US/co ... %20Screens[/url]), but perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way.
  • I asked about this the other day and Ashley summed it up nicely in this post...


  • Understood. Thanks very much.

  • Safari mobile seems to ignore the browser object's Request Fullscreen action and, in turn, ignores the Lock Orientation action as well. So, when loading up any C2 game exported as an HTML5 website on an iPhone you get an address bar at the top and a bar with other options at the bottom, which combine to obscure the heck out of my game and make it unplayable.

    Switching orientations by rotating the phone will temporarily hide the bars, but this isn't particularly useful since touching anywhere near the top or bottom of the screen causes the bars to reappear. Moreover, my game is supposed to be locked to landscape orientation so rotating the phone as a "solution" shouldn't really be possible. I've setup some events that pause the game and instruct users to switch to landscape orientation if their device is in portrait mode, but I consider this an unprofessional workaround.

    This isn't a problem in most browsers, nor is it a problem with native apps, but mobile browsers and Safari in particular seem to have constant issues with orientation locking and hiding address bars. Earlier this year there was a Safari-related bug that created a fixed gray bar across the bottom of the screen, for example. Occasionally I'll hear about a workaround or hack to bypass these issues, but then a new version of Safari or C2 hits and breaks everything again.

    Does anyone know of a reliable way to: hide Safari's address bars, reliably request fullscreen and lock the orientation in Safari, and/or prevent the address bars from reappearing when touching near the top or bottom of the screen? Can I expect the solution to last or are we perpetually at the mercy of Apple's new iOS and browser versions which will inevitably break our fixes?

  • I followed Ashley's tutorial, How to export to mobile with PhoneGap, and had no trouble building a .ipa file with PhoneGap, getting it onto my iPhone 4S via iTunes, and testing. The app runs smoothly with no issues, but I'm having trouble getting my splash screens and icons to show up.

    PhoneGap provides some documentation on how to include iOS icons and splash screens here (http://docs.build.phonegap.com/en_US/configuring_icons_and_splash.md.html#Icons%20and%20Splash%20Screens), but it's not working for me. I included all iOS 7.0+ icons, iOS 6.1 icons, and all splash screens (properly named and sized) in the app folder exported from C2, edited the config.xml file to include the code snippets from PhoneGap's documentation for iOS icons and splash screens, zipped all the files and uploaded them to PhoneGap.

    After moving the .ipa file to my phone, my app icons do not show up and PhoneGap's logo shows up as a splash screen instead of my own. My config.xml has the following code...

    Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I'd prefer not to use any 3rd party plugins because they are unofficial, not guaranteed to be continually supported/updated, and/or cost money.

  • Strangely, it's only the native iOS app that has a problem loading these tiled backgrounds. When using Safari and running the app as an HTML5 Website the tiled backgrounds load immediately on the same iOS device. What would account for the difference?

    If it's best to use power of 2 tiled backgrounds with smaller dimensions, how can I achieve a screen-wide gradient like this...


    I'd prefer to use backgrounds that smoothly transition from a darker shade at the top to a lighter shade at the bottom and cover the whole layout, but I'm not sure how to get the same effect without using a tiled background with huge dimensions.

  • My app runs with excellent performance after publishing for iOS via Ejecta, but my tiled background images do not appear in the published app. The backgrounds show up as completely white instead. They load normally in the Xcode simulator, but not after publishing as a native app.

    Do either Ejecta or iOS have issues with C2's tiled background object or would they otherwise have issues loading images or tiled backgrounds with large dimensions? My tiled background images have dimensions of 1x1536, which I realize is quite large, but it allows me to cover an entire iPad-sized screen with a full gradient and hasn't created issues when exporting for any other platform (these images are each under 4 KB, by the way).

    Any other ideas on what would cause my tiled backgrounds not to appear in a native iOS app after publishing via Ejecta?

    As a side note, publishing via Ejecta raised my app's file size from less than 1 MB to 9.8 MB (Intel XDK is even worse in this regard, fattening my app to 17 MB). Are there any settings I can adjust to help lower the file size or would I have to rely on future updates to Ejecta/Intel XDK to solve this?

  • jayderyu That was my thinking as well. Making references to games, characters, or companies without using their images, sounds, and so on seems fine. I doubt the creators of "Scene It" or "You Don't Know Jack" needed the express written permission of every movie, game, or company in their questions.

    RandomExile Thanks for looking into it. I came upon that link as well, but a quick Google search didn't turn up much more specifically regarding trivia games.

    Trademarks and trivia games still seem to be a bit of a gray area. Putting "Nintendo Edition" in the title of a game seems like blatant infringement, but what about having a Nintendo category in a trivia game with 100 questions on various Nintendo titles? Or selling a "Capcom Question Pack" as an in-app purchase? Or even referencing specific companies and titles while advertising a trivia game online?

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