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  • Dobrý den,

    je tu jedna Češka. Koupila jsem si C2 (a vytvořila v ní svou diplomku) a rozhodně neuvažuji o pronájmu C3. Dneska jsem to testovala a nejsem nijak nadšená. Export se mi podařil až na 4. pokus.

    Good day,

    there is one Czech here. I bought C2 (and created my diploma thesis in it) and I definitely don't think about C3. I tested it today and I'm not really amused. I exported for four times until I was succesful (Chrome said: out of memory).

    I'm not really happy with year payment - this is way too Adobe style, you make creation much harder for people from eastern Europe... Actually minimal wage in USA is like 7 dollars, in Czech, it is like 3... but we have to pay the same for softwares.

  • I don't have any now. I have a few test versions to see how it works, but it is not something I could illustrate my problem with

    . This is more theoretical question. Should I keep it in a single file or should I split it into more files and link them together with URL?

    And why this function doesn't work (as much as I know, it is used well, it is a problem with browser - Google Chrome -, I tried to open it with different pc and different browser and it worked, it works on my android too). I can send it, but I'm not sure if it would be any useful.

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  • Hi, I'm still new to Construct 2. I'm trying to make "a game/book/graphic novel", which has a lot of image data and it is splitted into the chapters. I'd like to publish it for free on the website, so I export it for websites in JavaScript. At first I thought it could be a one big file, however the images are too big (I'd like to have the best quality as possible) and there is a lot of them. So it would load for too long and... soon, there would be a mess inside it (There are 15 chapters and I'm still considering interactive dialogues).

    Well, I decided to split it into 15 files and connect them together through a link to another page (I know basic HTML...), but the Go to the URL function doesn't work. And I have no idea why, I guess it is beacause my internet browser doesn't want to open page through JavaScript, because it might have be some virus.

    I'm not a game programmer, I'm student of visual art (and actually a book binder, so I know how to sew a real book) and I'm trying to make something new and annoy my old teachers - they say games are for kids and it is no art (and never possibly could be).

    Do you have any idea? Please help.

    Thank you and sorry for my english.

  • Thank you, guys I'm still learning and you were really helpful ^^

  • If sound or music tag is not playing, play sound.

    Can you please upload the picture once again somewhere else? I can't open it...

  • Hello, I have a question, if it is possible to make music play, even through I'm changing layouts?

    Music always starts at the beginning, when i change the layout. Can you help me, please?

  • I guess I know where is the problem. It is because wait event.

  • Hello, I'm new to Construct, I'm still learning and i'm not ingenious.

    I have problem with delay before clicking on the object and then changeing its animation frame,

    When i get to the varable jebackaklikacka=14 i should be able to click immediately on the sprites, but I can't and it takes few seconds before I can. I have no idea what could possibly cause this. I can't click as much I want, no variables are adding, but after few seconds, it just works as it should.

    I'm changing frames in sprites to create something like a pexeso or card game.

    Please help. Thank you

    Aja B.

AjaBokkaku's avatar


Member since 2 Jan, 2016

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