lorddragonmaster's Recent Forum Activity

  • A little side project I started working on over the last 2 weeks.

    There is a lot of placeholders, (AND BUGS LOL). But, please test it out.

    You're a knight, so you don;t move or jump to quickly (not yet anyway).

    (I'm not allowed to post URL yet...lol)


  • I am also voting for 5!!!

  • First:

    I LOVE THIS ART STYLE. It is fantastic!

    2 defiantly looks the best to me. If anything one of the looks should have a robinhood type hat!

  • I didn't download the .capx, but the GIF shows them only getting through when you're facing the left. Does it only happen when you're facing the left? Or does it happen in both directions?


    Also, I'm suspicious of that Wait 0.3 Seconds to set Defend to False. Let me download the capx

    Happens randomly from either direction. Also that wait 0.3 seconds is to allow the robots to bounce and act as bullets. If i leave it at 0 then they wont move.

    The idea is the moment they hit the shield they turn into bullets and bounce for the distance they can get to in 0.3 seconds, and then turn their bullet behavior off.

  • Have you tried changing the hitbox for the enemies so that their legs arent taken into consideration? Just set it up for their torso, that might help.

    As for free hosting space, I use , no registration, no logins no hassle.

    I only created a separate hitbox for the player.

    However I did just test it (creating a hitbox for the robot to collide with the player), and the issue of the robot bouncing through the player still happens. I'm not sure if it is due to the bullet behavior that I am using for my bounce.

    Here is the file if anyone wants to take a look. (this version has no hitboxes for the robots)


  • Hello,

    I am creating a side scrolling platform with knight who uses a sword and sheild.

    However the issue I am having is when the robot bounces off the shield, sometimes they bounce through it and damage the player.

    See below:

    It's completely random.

    The robots have bullet behavior. On collision with the shield they bounce off an invisible rectangle that is as tall as the knight, but in line with the shield. When i tired bouncing right off the shield they went in random directions as sometimes their legs would hit the shield.

    Any thoughts? I can post the capx file (where is a good place to host it?)

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  • My first game!

    I started on Dec.26th, and have this as my demo level. Most of the animations are very limited at the moment (walking only has 2 frames).

    You can pick up different swords, and use your shield to push back the drones! (still troubleshooting why sometimes they bounce THROUGH you).

  • > Hello,


    > I have been working on my game for a few days now and have gotten pretty far thanks to all the tutorials/samples. but I am stuck!!


    > Platform movement

    > -Have player with platform movement

    > -instance variable - "move" (set to true)


    > 1.On right arrow down & player is "move- simulate platform pressing right

    > 2.On collision - set move to false.


    > Shouldn't this stop event 1 from occurring? One of the conditions is false but it still lets me move right.


    Did you remember to set "use default controls" to no?

    THANK YOU!!!

  • Hello,

    I have been working on my game for a few days now and have gotten pretty far thanks to all the tutorials/samples. but I am stuck!!

    Platform movement

    -Have player with platform movement

    -instance variable - "move" (set to true)

    1.On right arrow down & player is "move- simulate platform pressing right

    2.On collision - set move to false.

    Shouldn't this stop event 1 from occurring? One of the conditions is false but it still lets me move right.

lorddragonmaster's avatar


Member since 25 Dec, 2015

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