JMFB's Recent Forum Activity

  • I'm working with someone at the moment, if all goes well, I will post praises about his work here

    Thanks to anyone who showed interest.

  • Hi, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in doing a small job for me.

    My game is going to be a paid (to logged in users), simple drag & drop puzzle game. It is using an Array to store all of the information such as open/locked levels, score and reward medals.

    What I need to do is to have my Array auto save (Ajax post) into a database on my server every time the player completes a level after the Array becomes populated with the new information. When the player comes back to the game it will auto load their Array with Ajax so that when the player gets to the level select screen, all of their achievements are already loaded. I need their saves somehow connected to their logged in usernames off of my website.

    I've tried my hand a some php, I am able to pull my login name off of my website into Construct 2 using Ajax.....but that's all I have been able to figure out on my own.

    Let me know if you're interested and a rough estimate of what it'll cost to help me out with this and we'll go from there.

    Thanks for reading!

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  • I figure even though I am not all that much into posting on forums in general, I suppose I should post here.

    First off....hello!

    I've never made a game before and I started my first game building project with Gamesalad. As I stumbled through figuring things out on my own, I came across Construct 2. The other guys want $299/year for a license, Construct 2 was on sale for something like $117 and you own the license. To me, it was a no brainer to purchase and try it out. I started my project all over again from scratch after all the time and effort I spent building my game in GS. Now mind you, I learned a lot in GS, but it took me about 5 days to get to the same point it took me about 3 months to do in GS. I am loving Construct 2 beyond belief. As I am a stickler for perfection and very adamant on organization, Construct 2 is a match made in heaven for me. I love how organized I can be down to the smallest detail in my project.

    That's about all I will divulge for now.

  • Piece #9 was giving me the most that you've pointed out the collision polygon feature to me, I can see why.

  • AH! I found what you meant with collision polygon!!! It's my own stupidity, not a bug. Thanks Paradox!

  • Piece 10 hasn't given me an issue at all actually. It's a very random and not often problem that isn't happening on every one of my levels or pieces. After the first level was done, I copied, pasted and 'Replace Object' command is used to modify all the rest. I've never had an issue on my first level. When it happens, it will annoy the players as it will affect their time on putting the puzzle together.

  • Problem Description

    I have a Family with the Drag and Drop behavior which my puzzle pieces are inside of. Approximately 1 out of 5 plays there will be 1 puzzle piece which will not grab on the first, second of even third clicks of the mouse. I had the problem in Windows 7 and just upgraded to 10 and still have the same issue. I also just installed the latest Beta from the latest stable version of C2 and both versions I have encountered this problem.

    Here is what the puzzle looks like ( to make things faster for you)

    Attach a Capx ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    Drag and Drop Puzzle Game

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      Click on sprite Drag to game area Drop in place Repeat with all pieces

    Observed Result

    Sometimes (randomly) the Drag and Drop behavior will not pick up the sprite

    Expected Result

    Drag and Drop to always pick up the sprite

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 (latest)

    Windows 10 (latest)

    Construct 2 Version ID


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Member since 14 Dec, 2015

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