Spirantula's Recent Forum Activity

  • I think Animmaniac may have did something like this:


    R0J0houndI'm back to Construct after what seems like ages. Is there any way you still have the above Capx lying around. If I remember correctly this one nicely solves a few issues I've run in to with the other examples I've seen.

    Apologies for digging this one up after 2849 days.

    Thank you in advance

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  • Finally got around to updating and uploading the game I entered into the Rotary Game Competition, Evertree.

    I've added some music and "extra features" such as extra bad guys (crawlers, embryos and blobs), as well as extra defences and weapons.

    I had to remove the tutorials, the story cut scene and sound effects, but tried to keep it as close to what the final game should look like as possible.

    Currently only 9 levels (which includes one "Boss" battle level).

    Unfortunately the file size is pretty large (8Mb).

    The link is below in my signature thingy.

    Hope you enjoy.

  • Great Work - Love the art style.

  • oh man oh man! better monetization, online multiplayer, shaders!

    So many awesome things! Anything on the list would be great :D

    I chose monetization cos I saw it lagging a bit.

  • Awesome! congrats to all! loved all three games :D

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  • Pode, for my purposes the reaction time is measured from the display of a sprite until the player reacts (does some kind of input - maybe clicks the mouse).

    I raised the question because I was not sure whether C2 would start counting from the moment the sprite displays (becomes visible to the player) or before that - for example if it has an extremely low frame-rate and the sprite display is delayed somewhat (maybe 5 ticks go by without any sprite visible - but it starts counting from there anyway)

    not really sure if this makes any sense.

  • thanks R0J0hound. I have been experimenting with the dt thing, but the computers I'm using are about equal in performance.

    I have seen that the dt does vary when the frame-rate drops (I used the particle effect to bring down the frame rate).

    Will try out the time and post the results :D

  • wow thanks for the speedy reply.

    would this method start counting from the moment the sprite becomes visible to the player?

    if so - then you've helped me out completely! Thanks

    i'm a beginner at all of this :)

  • Hi all,

    I have a game concept in mind where the player is scored based on their reaction time to the appearance of a certain sprite. I understand though, that some HTML5 games will run at a higher frame on better systems (and slower on older systems).

    My question I guess is: what do you think is the best way to measure reaction time that is fair to all players?

    Should I have a time that normalizes the score output dependent on the average fps?

    Would wall clock work? since this is frame-rate independent...? I ask because I'm not sure about the mechanics. would the sprite be visible quicker on a faster system and be delayed on a slower system?

    I'll experiment some more but I don't know how to test this very well.

    Thanks in advance

  • Hi all,

    I'm Ameer. I am from Cape Town, South Africa! I've always been interested in making games, but have never been able to stomach the programming languages needed.

    I have taught myself some of the basics required to put games together and Construct 2 solves the programming hitch and then some!

    I'm currently pursuing my PhD in Biological Sciences in Singapore and do the game dev stuff in the little free time I can find.

    I'm currently working on 3 projects (I'm not sure where to showcase the WIPs) and will definitely try to finish these (I also have issues with attention spans.

    Anyways, Its good to be here!


  • Tom

    I'm still getting the weird Server Error in '/' Application.

    Unknown error (0xfffffffe)dialogue when I try to submit my game.

    Just letting you know.


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Member since 22 Feb, 2012

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