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  • Yes, thank you.

    I have actually looked into it and my particular game will not be classified as a gambling game. So I am not that worried or concerned about the law aspect.

    My biggest issue is the programming. I am currently trying to learn swift in xcode as it seems easier to arrange the solutions I am looking for there. But if anyone can help me out accomplishing it in construct I would appreciate it also.

  • Yes, somebody actually already advised me of doing it with AJAX like you are saying.

    Part of the problem for me is that I don't really know anything about it and it seems hard to get a hold of someone that really knows how to do this.

    Thanks for your reply!

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  • Hello everyone!

    I have a problem and I would reeeeeeally appreciate help with this.

    What I want to do is to reward the players of my app when they reach a certain score with real money.

    I don't know how to accomplish this. My initial thought was that when they reach the score sufficient to earn the money they would press the "checkout" button which would take them to a new layout that will have them fill in the information required for me to process their payout. When they have filled out this information they will press send and the information will be sent to my email. (my email adress will not be visible to them to avoid fraud)

    So that was my plan, but this seems very hard to accomplish at least for me. So I wonder, does anybody know how to do this? OR does anyone know an alternative way of doing this?

  • Interesting! I will check this out!

    Thanks for reply!

  • Ok, option 2 didn't seem to work that smoothly last time I tried it. Option 1 is a bit complicated for me, I am not good with arrays, plus this has to be a continuous loop, I don't just want to create them once.

    Option 3 sounds interesting, I will check it out!

    Thank you for now! I will let you know if it works out!

  • Hi!

    I am trying to create a chess memory game and want to create several pieces on the board at the same time.

    In order to create one piece on the board I have done as such: Event: System, every 4 seconds. Action: Create object on layer 0 X: choose (75,225,375,525,675,825,975,1125) Y: choose (75,225,375,525,675,825,975,1125).

    So each possibility for example X: 75 and Y: 375 represents a square. This works great my only problem is, if I want to create two pieces on the board at once, how do I prevent the two pieces from being created on the same square?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  • I have tried with the arrays but I really can't figure out how to make it happen so if anyone can give me advice on this I would appreciate it a lot!

  • To be fair what you are saying pooya72 does seem to make a lot of sense but since I have never used arrays before I don't know how to make it happen. If you would be so kind and explain more in detail how to do it that would be most appreciated!

  • Hmmm, I have never used arrays, but I will try and see if it does the trick! Thanks!

  • I may have misinterpreted you but it sounds like you are suggesting pretty much what I have tried already.

    Perhaps if you could be so kind and check out this link with a functioning version of the game you will see my problem. brainscale.net/dual-n-back/training

  • Hi!

    I have tried creating a dual n-back game. For those of you familiar with the dual n-back game you know that when a certain object overlaps a square every nth time you are supposed to press a button in order to get points as a correct answer. I have tried to do this in various ways, with variables etc but it just doesn't seem to work. All thoughts are much appreciated!

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Member since 3 Dec, 2015

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