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  • We're working on directCanvas acceleration with appMobi at the moment. They're going to release it for Android soon as well - hopefully that will boost performance a lot.

    Great to hear. I've been doing many test on my droid phone, with both phonegap build and appmobi. I've been leaning more towards phonegap because its just faster to do and the site loads quicker than the apppmobi stuff. Are there any chances phonegap build could get something similar to this?

  • Been tinkering around with this and trying to figure out to stop the movement when the player encounters another object, like a wall.

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  • Jim here. Been doing game moddding and indie work since High School. Been tinkering around with modding from Doom up to UDK and nes rom hacks. I'm a jack of trades when it comes to development.

    A fellow modder showed me construct Back when were working on HardQore 2 for Doom 3. I book marked the page and kept it there just incase. After helping out the indie title Dark Salvation, finishing Hardqore 2 and Ruiner I toke a year long break from the scene and been looking around at something new to work with for a 2d game.

    At first I was going to go with Game Maker, but I didn't like its work flow. So I tried out MMF2, hadn't used mmf since 1.5... Not a fan of the check box system but did enjoy all the export options it had. Dispite what both of them could do, they both felt old and cumbersomee for software that has been around so long.

    So I tried out construct 2 and loved the work flow and event system. Its very logical thinking and setup. It feels fresh and how game creators of this nature should work but rarely are made.

  • put together a ninja gaiden movement system. A few bugs in there, like the throwing stars changing directions during mid flight. Tried to make a tad faster than the original controls.

    press asd to move and duck. space bar to jump. L to attack.

    when touching the walls, those yellow strips, press s or d to latch on and move up or down. while on the wall pressing L will throw stars. you can shoot them towards the wall or away by pressing a or d. to get off the wall, press space/jump without any other buttons. Wanted the wall climbing to have the similar stiffness of the original nes version.

    Wall climbing is done the same as ladders, as noted in the source. Sideways movement was disabled and some conditions were added to make the player mirror the right direction.


    Ninja Gaiden Demo


    Ninja Gaiden test source

  • having the same problem. I've uploaded the version with this problem and the source in the contra test topic. The only thing i see is a text field. no objects, or sprites. sounds and controls do not work.

  • thanks for the feedback so far. I'll change the fire key to something easier for laptops. Also discovered a bug when falling and shooting down not working.

    Would additionally like to find a way to get the weapon switching working better within the event restraints. Even after purchasing C2, would still like to get this working smoothly under the 100 events.

    After this I'd like to take a shot at something similar to punch out/infinity Blade and ninja gaiden/castlevania movement. NG/CV are the same thing except for speed & climbing. From there various types of platform AI.

    My hope is that these will serve as good examples for others to use or to show that C2 can pull this stuff off easily.


    Updated the test and source. trimmed down the code some more, added another weapon, tweaked some sounds, added the missing sounds, and fixed firing down while falling. also changed the fire key to l Unless someone has an idea on how to trim the code down further or optimize it, this one is complete.

  • I believe its very possible to make some form of income with CC,C2 or MMF or GM. If you look at most of the major games sitting inside app stores, many of them are possible on software like this. Those snazzy looking graphics are hiding some fairly simplistic stuff.

    For every Angry Birds, theres thousands of bad or ok apps out there. The market is just that big now. Don't expect to make tons of cash right off the bat with your game no matter how good it is. Best bet is to create create multiple good titles and get them on as many platforms as you can in a steady fashion.

    Try and think realistic about it. Aim for what is doable with your current resources and time. Sometimes there are features that yes you could pull off and add into the game, but you don't have the time or manpower to get the game done in a reasonable time.

    Its just that most of the time when someone is that serious about making games for a living or second form of income, they've either gone to school for it or learned to do it from scratch or knew someone to work with to build it up. There is also a good amount of games made with these types of software that never say they do.

    As for platforms, your best bet is pc, FB, ios and droid in that order. Remember that the install base for pc is larger than ios and droid combined. Your selling window is also much longer on pc than mobile. When it comes to Steam, there are some MMF games on there and one gm game i know of. There are many flash games on there too. From what I heard gm and steam don't get along too well so it makes things difficult. Chrome store and windows 7 phone is still growing, but are worth keeping an eye on. Its not worth thinking about xbox indie.

    This has been one of the most exciting times to be an indie dev since the days of Quake and Half Life. With tools like C2, casual gaming, digital stores and mobile markets its once again possible for small team of even just one person to create something fantastic in good time.

  • Well I've been trying out C2 for the last couple of weeks and been loving it so far. Figured the best way to start off was try prototyping some old nes games. After going through mario, figured it was time to give contra a shot.

    Below is a link to html5 test and the capx file for you guys to check out, look for bugs, feedback and hopefully maybe ways to optimize it better.

    Test includes moving and aiming in all directions, ducking, jumping, firing in all directions and jump down through platforms. Additionally I started tinkering around with changing with weapon powerups before running out of events.

    The animations are changed with variables. The player is made up of a collision box that changes size on jumping and crouching, a torso half, and a foot half. This was done so the player could player different animations while running.

    known bugs/issues:

    -animation for the bullets will change on the fly with a weapon pick up.

    I see why this is happening, but still figuring out a better way to change the bullet, rate of fire and fire sound easier.

    -player will keep playing run animations against walls. This is intentional. The original contra did the same.

    -Sounds aren't working for me in IE9. Runs fine in Chrome. I don't think this is C2 fault at all.

    -Not very happy with how I did the weapon changing, and handling the fire events. Believe there could be a better way.

    Contrls: asdw to move. space bar to jump. l to fire. press down and jump to jump down through platforms.

    live test:

    HTML5 live test

    capx file:

    Capx file rar

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Member since 9 Feb, 2012

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