OctaveEight's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello everyone!

    For some reason on the forums a while back my old account wasn't able to post on the forums so I made a new one for the new company a friend and I would like to start, making games from Construct 2. My old account was ZakkiOrichalcum, and now I'm OctaveEight lol :D

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  • No, I know you are not being combative. But yes, I see what you are saying. If I would continue with this game, I would defiantly add other features to it, such as being able to switch controls. I would also fix the wall thing lol :D

  • Well that is actually something of a debate. See I don't think its a think of rightie or leftie, its just preference. I like controlling things with my left hand (as you would on a game system controller, which the movement controls are always on the left), and so the arrow keys feel unnatural to me.

    I have a question for all of you that get stuck in that one wall. Do you try to stand in the wall on the pink platform before hitting the block to change colors or are you just happening to get stuck?

  • Okay :) I'll work at it still :D Yeah, I thought of doing that, but never emplimented it. good idea though :)

  • sorry. If I continue the project, I'll add an option to change the controls between this and Arrow keys with ZXCV as controls or something like that. Sorry they are complicated for you. I imagine it like its a controller, so that's why I set them up they way I did.

  • Oh, right Its doesn't have all the controls on it, I forgot. To get out of the Controls menu or the pass word menus, press [ESC]. If you want to restart a level, press R and you will immediately restart that level.

    I had gotten stuck in the walls before but never there. Bravo for figuring out something new :D lol

  • So my game was too big (serves me right for making a game with color changing platform mechanics lol). So I put it on dropbox and will show it off here because whether or not Tom or Ashley see this and will count it in the competition, I want to show off my hard work. So here it is: Gravity Buster!

    Click to go to Gravity Buster

    I hope I'll at least get a contender medal for at least trying. Any positive or negative comments would be appreciated. Anything that should be changed or modified.


    WASD - Movement

    J - Shoot

    K - Jump

    L - Gravity Right

    O - Gravity Left

    R - Restart Level

    ESC - Escape menus

  • Umm... I forgot you could do that :D Thanks Arima! :D That made it like 20 times less of a hassle :D

  • Well, I'll have to try it that way anyway or do it with a families method, but thanks anyway. It helped a lot :D

  • Thanks you two. I hadn't tried the family variables yet because I started working on this in r77, which I couldn't see how it would work. Anyway, thanks Yann, that helped slightly, but can you explain exactly how that works, because I have no idea how the lerp() function is working on this or with all the changes in animation frame work with this. I also have a question if this should work if the layer is rotated as well?

  • I have a question. I am working on a game and one of the mechanics that I want to implement is conditional solids. To explain what I mean, I will explain how they would be used. Your characters basic color is green; everything that is green in the level the player can interact with but not with anything else of another color, unless it is a color changing block, for this example it will be for pink. If the character hits this block, they change color to pink and then can interact with all the pink objects and not the green ones.

    I know I shouldn't just use a collision detection condition and I can't just make a floor object that works with this because the levels themselves rotate around so the level would have to be all floor objects, allowing the character to stick to walls.

    Any thoughts?

  • I am having a similar problem with this. I made a new account because my old one did not work (my previous account was ZakkiOrichalcum), so now I can post on the forums for a simple question. Just trying to see what's up with the forums, Scirra.

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Member since 7 Feb, 2012

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