This is a simple c3p file:
Without an error message log it is complicated to figure out where the problem is.
If you just need to add a pixel you can try doing it directly on C3 without the need for specific plugins.
You can add a script like this when starting the first layout:
+ System: On start of layout
-> Run JavaScript: const noScript = document.createElement("noscript");
const img =document.createElement("img");
const yourPixelId = "abc"
img.height = "1";
img.width = "1" = "none";
img.src = `${yourPixelId}&ev=PageView&noscript=1`;
Ok, thanks.
Try to guess:
You can use <noscript> only with iOS 14+
Sorry, I don't have any iOS devices. I would need some more information to understand where the problem might be...
Does the problem occur with a web page or with an app?
What part of the plugin are you using?
In the properties bar:
Note that "Support for the older 'classic' script mode will be removed in the r242 release in favor of the new JavaScript Modules feature."
— Animate Dygerydoo ibiz TILK LuisCGForte
I just uploaded an updated version of the plugin. It should now support "Module" mode. I tested the sample projects and found no particular problems. But I recommend a little caution and please let me know if something no longer works as it used to.
For the moment the plugin works with "Use Worker: NO" and "Scripts Type: MODULE".
Thank you all!
Thank you — and Animate
In the next few days I will check the code to understand what can be done.
I was thinking of deprecating this plugin and creating a new one to simplify it: what part of the plugin do you use?
I think there is a problem with the scripting support for JavaScript Modules introduced with r226.
Try setting:
- Use worker: NO
- Scripts Type: CLASSIC
Yes, it's true
I think I'll be working on it next week or shortly thereafter
Hi, you are right!
I just uploaded a new version (
It depends on what you mean by inserting an html page. You can use the "Text like HTML" option and insert an HTML code into the text:
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p style="color:red">This is another paragraph.</p>
<img src="" alt="c3logo">
This way you can create an html component on top of the construct canvas.
I don't think you can bypass an iframe to display an external page.
You can do this with `Flexbox align-item: flex-end`
#myelement {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: flex-end;
I think there is a problem with the new scripting support for JavaScript Modules introduced with the beta r226.
Thank you :)
The source code is not perfect but I think it can be useful
Thanks, I just update the plugin :) and
Member since 9 Nov, 2015