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  • Thanks guys, i'm gonna considerate all solutions, i'm gonna run some tests to see whats fits best in my game.

    Thansk for the help. sse ya

  • That's the words i was hoping not to hear(read actually) kkkkkk. But i understand, i guess i was just trying to be sure that a different solution exist..But thats ok for now, maybe in a close future.

    Thanks Sully

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  • I'm facing the same problem, i'm trying to make a white water drop in red. Can i do that with RGB()?? How can i do it?? SetValue or something like that?

  • damn.... any way to do the same thing with Construct 2?

  • Hello, How do i change the color of a sprite(white drop) during gameplay? I want to change for blue for example when my sprite collide with other object.

    I've seen other posts about Set RGB color in action, using shaders effects (.fx) files, but i can'nt found none of these options in my Construct2 IDE.

    Is it possible?? Thanks

  • Thanks :)

  • Hi, Ashley, i'm creating(actually converting) a simple game that i have to html5 with Construct2 to see how it gos, and i was wondering if u guys in scirra team can tell if there is any best practice guide concerning performance, or if theres is some things i can do to improve performance in my game using the engine(any possible upgrade related for a close future? :))

    i'd appreciate any possible help. By the way, the events sheet its a awesome visual creator. \o/ Congrats


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Member since 26 Jan, 2012

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