ciaphuas's Recent Forum Activity

  • nemezes I like to call it challenging 😉

    I wanted to make simple to control, responsive, and challenging game that can be played in a couple minutes

  • I am excited to announce that this is my first game to break 1,000 downloads

  • I made a new quick reaction arcade game Pew Pew! Space Survival. It is now free on both Google Play and the Apple Appstore. Please check it out.

    Google Play - ... cesurvival

    Apple Appstore -!-s ... 1088693852

    Youtube Video Preview -

    My website (with all my games) -

    Pew Pew! Space Survival is a heart pounding, fast, and endlessly addicting arcade space survival game. Simple one touch controls puts you in full control of dodging an endless barrage of blazing lazers. Compete on the global leader board and with your friends.

    ★ Simple, fast, and exciting arcade game

    ★ Tap the screen to change your ship's direction

    ★ Don't touch the endless barrage of blazing lazers

    ★ Global leader board

    ★ Share your screenshot and high score with your friends

  • Has anyone gotten appodeal to work on iOS? I got it work flawlessly on Android using to build; however, when I try to build it for iOS none of the ads show.

  • you could add a shield item.

    I liked, because it is simple and easy to play.

    I plan on adding ways to get extra lives.

    Or maybe a boss that you have to survive. It shoots a laser that takes up half of the play area so you have limited space to dodge other shots while the laser is firing.

    That's a great idea, but I have it now...more/different lasers start to rain down. Maybe in a sequel

  • So your ship changes direction with each tap?

    You are correct. I always try to go for simple and responsive controls

  • I am working on a quick reaction, tap style, space survival game. I will eventually publish to iOS and Android. Tell me what ya'll think.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I will echo what some other have mentioned. If you are not happy with Construct 2, try another development environment, but you are Naive to think they don't have problems as well (the grass isn't always greener on the other side). Also other software packages with exporters can run individuals close to $1k, so think long and hard if your money is actually going to a better product.

    Ashley I overall think the direction of Construct 2 is fairly spot on, since everything is being built on industry backed frameworks i.e. Cordova and Crosswalk. You and your team at Scirra are doing great work. Please keep it up.

  • Thank you all for your responses. I have a few coder friends that would look down on tools like Construct 2 (especially after getting a 4 year degree). I think the main reason I am different is that I always enjoyed the logic in creating software but I always hated the syntax. Tools like Construct 2 eliminates that syntax bottleneck and lets me focus on creating the experience of the game. Also it is a much more pleasant experience to come home from work and use a tool that makes games pretty fun.

  • sidneycat Thank you - I finally got Flying Ninja Cat built to iOS ... 33727?mt=8

  • A little history on myself: I have been coding on and off for most of my life with MUDs (which are text based multi-player games) being my first foray. MUDs are coded in C and at the time I was learning C++ in high school (circa early 2000s) so the entire process was confusing/helpful at the same time. From there I would eventually create my first graphical game using visual basic, which was really fun and easy to do. I would of love to keep making games in a similar environment but alas any good game would have to be done in C or C++. So I stopped any further attempts at game development.

    I will now take you 10 years into the future where I have a B.S. in Computer Science, a deployment to Iraq, and a desire to do something in the civilian world. I developed my first mobile game Sketch Smash using Corona SDK which was a trying but fun experience. I enjoyed the Lua (the programming language) as it was very high level and simple, especially compared to C++; unfortunately, I think time in the military numbed my aptitude toward text based coding so once again I stopped pursuing game development for a second time.

    Now 5 more years into the future I created my second mobile game Flying Ninja Cat using Construct 2. WOW! I have never used a visual editing and event based driven coding environment before. I felt like I was walking on water as I worked tirelessly on creating my game, I was hooked. Construct 2 brought me back to those easy days of Visual Basic but this time with a more powerful development environment only achieved 15 years in the future!

    The whole point about this post is that I never lost my love for games or game development. I am just now older and less tolerant/capable of staring at C code for hours on end. I highly recommend giving Construct 2 a shot, if just for the sake of playing with a fun little editor. Thanks for reading.

  • cranberrygame Since we bought your plugins from the store. Does the 2% revenue share with admob still apply? Do we get a license key?

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Member since 5 Nov, 2015

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