Hahah thanks for the feedback guys! =DD I do actually have some animations! I'll just take some time to upload them and I'll post them here!
Here's a little update on what happened the first half of this year that got me and CotB down for a while!
Just made a new devlog entry explaining what happened and expressing how the game development should go from now on! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">
http://curse-of-the-bastards.tumblr.com ... everything
Devlog #7 - The remake of… Everything!
Hey guys! It’s been a while since my last update here, so let’s line up the ducks and pick up where we left off: Through these last months of inactivity I worked on many smaller jobs since I had financial problems pretty much all of the first half of 2014, so Curse of the ******** had no choice but to wait in shadows. As time went by I learned alot about my own style, I managed to focus on my art and even developed some interesting palettes and animation techniques.
How that sums up ? Well, in the spawn of a few months I evolved my work to a point where I don’t feel like the old sprites are that cool anymore. Some of them lack concept or are just plain confusing, so I’m going to remake all the sprites.
NOW? - You ask me,
No, not now. I’m going to list my priorities and work base to top. The characters are awesome to call attention, but they won’t be implemented so far, so I might aswell keep the old sprites as concepts/previews. The only one I need right now is Bartholomeus because he’s going to be the Main Character (alongside Pitch, but I can program with one or the other and he’s already done).
SO ? What happens ?
Simple! My good friend Pedro Medeiros introduced me to a cool tool called Licecap, if you don’t know it you should totally look it up. What it does is it takes a piece of your desktop and turns it to a gif. That way I can update the Devlog even if I’m just programming, showing you guys how animations are working ingame, or the speed/flow of everything.
How frequent will be the devlog updates ? Cuz… you know…
I KNOW, I KNOW, I don’t plan on dropping the ball (please God I hope I can keep my money this time), so if everything goes right I’m planning AT LEAST one big boost on the game per month. I’d rather just be realistic and lay the cards on the table that I need to stay alive and Curse of the ******** won’t generate me any income, at least so far.
Gee, that sucks, so how does that go ?
Well, taking from examples such as Shwig and Roxxy, I came up with the idea of using PATREON to make sure you all get updates more frequently and I get some money without having to worry about working as a slave. How it would go is simple: You choose an amount to donate everytime the game has a Content Update, meaning, if you donate 1USD, everytime I make a Content Update, I get 1USD from you, supporter. There will be different tiers for different values and the ammount of updates per month is limited to 2, being 1 small and 1 big. I’ll go more into it later when it happens. That way I would be able to work on Curse of the ******** without having to worry that I might skip lunch the next day, so… That’s the plan!
When will that happen ?
Somewhere between this month and the next one! I still have some jobs to finish and some bills to pay, but I’m slowly working on “The cool stuff†(read: New logo, title screen, character portraits and such), so the next updates might be around these lines.
That’s it for now guys! If you have any questions, please use the /ask on tumblr! If you need to contact me just drop a mail to kent@2d-dungeon.com!
See you soon!