I understand more and bigger graphics will impact performance significantly. I also assume html is no different in that graphics are preferably certain sizes like 512 is better than 510 even though 510 is less simply cause 512 is a power of 2? And i am also assuming 4 pictures of 512x512 is better than 1 picture of 1024x1024?
So far i am pretty sure i am on the right path but question 1 is..
How much can i actually put on the screen without messing up and are there good examples of complicated html5 games that i could make with C2 that represent how powerfull it is?
Question 2 is actually more important to me though.
Does everything on a layout impact framerate or do certain things become inactive when they are offscreen (when the layout is bigger than screensize). And when i make a game with more than 1 level do the things on layouts 2, 3, 4, etc impact the performance of level 1 (layout 1) in any way?