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    I didn't know that you get 50 events if you log in. I think that could be expressed clearer in the free vs personal plan table (link).

    One idea to close the gap between free and personal licence might be to introduce another license, like "trial deluxe" with 100 events or something else, for a low one time purchase. Seeing how free to play with micro transactions and humble bundle-like deals give buyers different alternatives and address consumers surplus.

  • you possibly could mix NWjs in ( https://www.scirra.com/manual/162/nwjs ) which is capable of writing data to a local (or remote-connected) storage medium. Using NWjs would force you to get away from AJAX write operations since it only reads data in this constellation.

    Thanks! I have exported to NW.js before but I didn't realise that it was possible to use a object with extra commands. Create file and Append file is exactly what I wanted <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Hello

    I want to save/update a local project file, txt or csv. This tutorial: ajax objects explains how to open data with ajax locally by importing the file to project files and using the file name as a URL in the ajax request. But I can't find how to update the file in runtime? or do I need to have the file online with a php script to be able to send the ajax request?

    The plan is to build a replay system and export the data as a separate file.

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    Save states and quick saves have been around for some times but Ori is the first game I saw that made it a mechanic in the game. But the mechanic will be quite different in different genres, so it feels different in your game. There's still a lot more takes on custom checkpoints to be explored!

    I think the static noise makes it different because when you place a checkpoint you get a limited number of tries before you get swallowed. It might be tricky to decided on the speed it moves, might work to have it slow down or speed up depending on the distance between the player and the Wanly? Also might be tricky to decide on the exact distance on how much you have to progress to be able to place a checkpoint. Might work to instead have some spots the player has to pass through that can be place in the level. In that way you can make some areas shorter and harder, or longer and safer, without having the same number of possible checkpoints on both.

    When I played Ori inching forward with checkpoints was really the last resort. It takes a lot of time to regenerate checkpoints, so I would usually just get restless and try to complete it anyway But I think its good that it was there because it make it possible for more people to play the game. I don't think the exact same system would work in your game, but it might work to have a mana meeter which can be used for both checkpoints and a powerful attack, or a healing spell? so that there is a intensive to save up, but also some flexibility.

  • Ok, finally got the walk-thru of gameplay mechanics implemented! Version 2.1 is now live!

    Great! I especially like how the devils stands there next to the hole and laughs at you

    I think the hints about the water and slowmotion roots are a little overkill. If you want to keep them it might work to make something in-game, like a sign or another golf player warning the player.

  • I missed to make the video public but it should work now.

    I watched your gameplay video, very long level I hardly got halfway to the point where its possible to drop the first checkpoint. I don't know exactly how hard you want the game to be, but I usually get surprised of how much new players struggle with a game in the beginning.

    I usually enjoy challenging games, like super meatboy, dark souls, or hollow knight, but in these games you usually don't have to replay so much when you fail, I guess the checkpoint system is inspired by ori and the blind forest? It works great in that game because you can inch your way forward with checkpoints if you need to, or save up the mana for power attacks.

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  • It feels like it might scroll to far up and down? Might cause enemies off-screen to shoot down the player.

    Cool effects, especially the green arrow bullets!

  • Good stuff

    First you need to be far enough away from the current checkpoint, which is signalled by the visibility of the checkpoint icon in the bottom right of the HUD (if it's visible you can pop a checkpoint).

    How far away exactly?

    I made a gameplay recording here, but seems that I never get far enough?

  • Definitely change the font color from black to something brighter like white or similar; right now it's kinda hard to read since it's on such a dark background

    Good point. I don't want it to pop to much, but definitely being readable. I will also try to make the gui more pixel art like, when I'm making a second pass on it anyway.

    The visual feedback from hitting enemies is done pretty well, but the audio side still needs some tuning I think; maybe just make the sound effects a little louder so it's more satisfying and you really feel your character putting damage into all the stuff that's flying towards you on-screen

    I will look into it

    And when the tanks flash from taking damage, the whole thing should probably flash, not just the base, right? It makes sense for the boss that just the guns flash so you know which part you're hitting, but for just the normal tanks it'd probably look better if the whole entity flashed white and not just the base

    Yeah, I think I know how to fix that

    Really nice use of effects though on the bullets/power-ups, though ; there's a surprising amount of polish in that regard

    Thanks for the feedback!

  • Very nice audio and visuals!

    How do you put out checkpoints? I tried Lb (and like all other buttons), but count figure it out... It might be worth it to make a controller with arrows on the "controls screen".

    I usually jump directly in and try all of the buttons. When I first tried the dash button nothing happened, because I didn't press any direction. I think it might be worth it to have some kind of sound anyway, just to let the player know that the button does something. Or just have the player dash in the direction you are facing.

    I will try I more when I know how to put out checkpoints

  • Looks cool! Its usually hard to give feedback without having played the game but I will try.

    The explosion animations looks nice, but I think it needs to be bigger on the bigger enemies, so it covers the whole sprite and a little more around.

    I don't think this is a hard rule, but when I think of level design for shooters, you want it to be things on the screen all the time so its a challenge for the player to shoot all of it. I doesn't need to be dangerous stuff, it can be boxes or just a lot of popcorn enemies, but on different sides of the screen. Just so the player never feels like they are waiting on the level to scroll to the next enemies.

    The homing missiles looks epic, how did you make them?

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