Here's a list of improvements /minor annoyances that I've been adding to in a notepad file over the past week or so.
--Remembering different last folder locations for Open project and Open image
After loading a project, the containing folder is stored as the last folder location for opening images also, and vice versa. Annoying if using separate folders for art and caps.
--Automatically update all references of a group name in a sheet when that group name is changed.
so conditions or actions that reference it will still work. Just like when you rename an object and it updates throughout the sheet.
--same as above but with references to layers.
--A keyboard shortcut for "back" in the Create conditions/ actions/ expressions windows
Creating events with a keyboard is fast apart from when you have to go back a page. Having to Shift+tab twice/thrice and then pressing space feels awkward.. Backspace would be okay, but it means you'd have to tab out of an expression first. Supporting mouse side buttons for back/fwd would be awesome.
--No extra whitespace at the bottom of the event sheets
often, after collapsing groups or doing a search, you have to scroll up an extra screen height worth of whitespace on the event sheet. Having it remember what event was at the top of the screen before doing a search would be nice.
--Duplicating a layout also copies and sets all the layout properties
To create another level, I have to do this whole procedure of duplicating, setting active layer, setting event sheet, re-enabling snap to grid, and resetting all my layer visible/locked settings.
--A way to select and edit the properties of multiple objects, layers or layouts in the same way you can edit properties of multiple object instances
Sounds like it could be a pain in the *** to implement.. but editing properties of multiple layouts would be especially useful for large projects. For example what if, after creating 20 different layouts, you decide you want to implement another background layer.. or even just alter an opacity of a layer.
--Improve the way dragging and dropping events works.
It often drops not where you expect it to. Trying to insert an event underneath a closed group often just places it inside the group. And it's hard to position events at the bottom of a tree of sub events, always having to put it higher up and then rearranging the rest to make it go to the bottom.
--A shortcut to create blank event
I often use 'b' to create a blank sub event and then drag it back.. when really I just want a normal non-sub blank event. E creates an event+condition, but often, I just need the blank event space to copy, paste, and modify from other events..
--Ability to ctrl+v paste actions directly where the yellow highlight is amongst other actions. Instead of at the bottom. Same for conditions.
--Confirmation box for deleting a variable should not appear if that variable is not used in the events.
It makes me paranoid and I always end up having to search for that variable*
--Ability to move global vars from one sheet to another without it deleting events relating to it in the process
--A way to group+ collapse global vars
Also Two things I missed from CC:
--Ability to change parts of events straight from the sheet.
--Coloured parenthesis
An easier way to get to the changelog
Either I'm blind or there is no way to get to here from here without going through the Scirra facebook.