Aha it was fun reading your post, as I always do the same thing with undo/redo (where you constantly undo and redo and see if the event sheet scrolls, if not, then scroll up a bit, then undo redo again and again).
I do agree that it could be improved. Like when you press undo or redo, it pops up at the bottom of the screen. If that popup just included a tiny bit more information, like "event sheet: Blah. Event number: 177" that would be a major help in speeding things up.
But then, clicking the popup to make it take you to the specific event (much like double-clicking on a "find" or "find all references" result) would be VERY useful.
Suggestions platform is looked at by Scirra, but I'd take the guess that things like this won't get voted up much. I checked a few recent pages on suggestions platform up to a few weeks ago, and most have 1 to 3 votes, a couple have 6 votes, but 6 votes might be 2 people since 1 person can add 3 votes on an idea, then it just slowly disappears in the sea of ideas. 🌊 Unless people draw attention to their idea by using the forum to start a discussion I guess.