It's just an instance variable called "parent". Give your particle object an instance variable, name it "parent" and use "Set value".
I would use the Canvas plugin if i were you. It allows for all kinds of drawing, here's an example of how to set up some simple draw and fill tools:
Example: DrawCanvas.capx (r102)
Try it out
Download Canvas plugin here.
How to install plugins.
I haven't looked at the .capx but I'm guessing you only added the loop as a condition in the event? You should add the loop-event as a sub-event of a trigger condition like "On start of layout", or the event will run every tick and create 5 planes every tick.
So something like this:
+On start of layout: +Repeat 5 times: [ul] [li]>Create object Plane
Remove the "Bound to Layout" behaviour from the walls and everything should be fine.
Here's one way to do it:
DragDelay.capx (r101)
You could probably use the Drag&Drop behaviour if you want, but I prefer just using events. Hope it helps!
It should work if you replace "Cogs: Is overlapping" with "Shield: Pick nearest to (Cogs.X, Cogs.Y)".
You could do it like this:
<img src="" border="0" />
It's pretty simple to do without the pin behaviour, you can just use the "Set angle" action:
AnglePin.capx (r101)
You could also use the clamp expression:
clamp(float(TextBox.Text), 0, 360)
Will return 0 if the value is below 0 and 360 if it's above 360.
I see you've found what you're looking for, but I had already started so here's an example anyway: DragDropPicking.capx (r101)
F4 Preview project from first layout
F5 Preview current layout
F6 Export project
Link to manual entry
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To get the center position of the viewport use 'ScrollX' and 'ScrollY'.
Edit: Use parallax as mentioned below if it suits your needs
Member since 30 Dec, 2011