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  • Hello. Why mesh distortion is not symmetry?

  • brendanpoke

    Could you send me an example of a project?

  • You can use Dictionary. For example, variable Var, create Dictionary keys "V1" and "V2", use:

    System - Set variable - choose(1,2)

    Text - Set text - "Value "&Var"&": "&Dictionary.Get("V"&Var)

    Hello. Recently, many users of the social network Vkontakte (Russia) have noticed a random crush. If you switch the language (ALT + Shift) in an empty active text field (for example, a comment or variable), then crash occurs. Crush is random and cannot be reproduced in 100% of cases. But this only happens when the field is active. If you make field inactive (for example, click on a sprite), switch the language and make field active, then all normal. This crush works in r272-r277 versions, and don`n works in early version (many users use r265).

  • Sorry for discussion in this thread.

    We wanted to know "Is there any way to fix the translation or is it over?" (at least I). I didn't want to challenge the contribution of translators (in my feedback).

    There will always be a group of users who don't like the translation. This is us maybe. But we don't like the translation, not hate. We understand this translation because we thanslate this when taught Construct 2.

    I could not join the group of translators becouse got a promotion and more work (teacher at the university begin work in September). Now i am comfortable with the new position and join to discussion. I wrote arguments with examples in my message for indicate mistakes, not someone else's blame.

    Sorry for so much "I".

  • Hello.

    Ashley. Of course, you're right. C3 was translated more than 3 months ago, and we are reacting now. Belatedly, but we give feedback. Feedback (no claim) because we point out the weaknesses of the translation in our opinion. You can agree or disagree, you're boss here. I worked with a professional translator from the Japanese for TV channel "2x2". And I will use my work experience in my feedback.

    In my opinion, this translate is surface, literal, not adaptive. Why?

    First - translation of proper names (object and behavior).

    If proper names are not translated in "logical phrase", they are written in transliteration. For example, "Deadpool" - "??????" in Russian, but "Dead" - "???????", "Pool" - "???????".

    Example in C3 - spritefont. It was translated as "????? ??????". It sounds like "Dead Pool" ("Dead" and "Pool" apart) or "Apple Pen". And, "?????" - translated, "??????" - transliterated, because "Sprite" is translated as "Fairy". If we translate "spritefont", then a logical phrase does not work. Use transliterate is more right.

    Second - adaptive translation.

    Of course, each translator adapts the text in his opinion. We have good and bad examples.

    Good example of visual adapt - "The Last of Us". Literal translation - "????????? ?? ???". But it was translated as "???? ?? ???" (translated as "The One of Us"). It's don't literal translation, you're right. But this translation is adapted for poster.

    Good example of semantic adapt - telegram in "Bioshock Infitite".

    "Devitt STOP

    Do not alert Comstock to your presence STOP"

    We can literally translate "STOP" as "Stop". But it's a telegram, and "STOP" is translated as "Dot".

    Bad example of visual adapt - "Is in preview". Literal translation - "? ??????????????? ?????????". But it destroys the construction, because 27 letters (with space) can't stand in position ?f 13 letters. Adapt translate is "??? ?????????????", because "????????????" is abbreviation of "??????????????? ????????", and 17 letters are better suited to 13 letters.

    Bad example of semantic adapt - "On canvas snapshot". Literal translation - "?? ?????? ??????". For English - "??" in this context sounds like "in", "on the surface of the canvas". But it's trigger condition, and "On" should be translated as "At the moment" - "??? ?????? ??????". Next, "canvas" is translated as "?????" - "canvas for drawing". This can confuse beginners, because there is plugin "Canvas" (we can draw on workspace with this plugin). But "canvas" is workspace (??????? ????????????) or screen (?????) in "On canvas snapshot" (in my opinion) and it's should be translated as "??? ?????? ??????" or "??? ?????? ????" ("On snapshot of the game").

    And third - just a bad translation.

    "Stop! You make a claim?"... Yes and no. Some offers are difficult to translate. You have to include the imagination. But some offers in rus C3 are improperly constructed.

    Example - effect "Glow vertical". Description of the effect "A vertical 9-sample gaussian glow effect". And translate "??????????? 9-???????? ????????? ??????? ????????". It sounds like "We was going to park tomorrow?". Of course, i can't translate "9-sample" with save correct understanding. But i understand this effect as "A vertical blur of gaussian effect", and this offer can translate with correct understanding "???????????? ???????? ?????????? ???????".

    In the issue we have nice translation, but this translation are not ideal. This translation translation requires a lot of edits. But it is suitable for use until you meet shortcomings that I described.

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  • Selection rectangle select object if rectangle overlaps object. But some large objects cover some small objects in my project. Because selection rectangle is hard. Lock any single object will be easy solution.

    OMG, it's stunningly

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Member since 8 Oct, 2015

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