Wronghands's Recent Forum Activity

    edit: a waste of time

    deleted: a waste of time

  • Why does it bother you that your old "crappy" projects doesn't work now? either fix the bugs if you care about the project or make a new a better one, your post is useless if you don't want help, don't want to fix it yourself and only wish to complain about stuff that was made years ago and doesn't work anymore.

    The original post already contains your answer so you may want to reread it if you're serious about discussing this topic:

    "I don't care about this game at all actually. Today I were planning to start another project, some sort of an adventure game but why would I keep using a tool that can't open projects newer than 2 years? Would you? "


    Did it ever occur to you that your code might be crap and that's the reason it doesn't work anymore? It seems as you only are able to put the blame on everybody but yourself. Construct 2 was heavily bugged and had a lot of problems under it's 1 to 20 releases(my experience), I think it is very optimistic to think that your project would work after 2 years.

    Not only any C2 user is entitled to be a crappy coder (since it's a piece of software mainly or partly targeted towards non-coders) but also this topic is about the criticism of a commercial product from the viewpoint of the member of a targeted market: the crappy/non coder. Encountering ad hominem in online communities is something I really dislike, doesn't help anyone, prove a point or look good so please stay away from it.

    I'll be repeating myself in the following pharagraphs so excuse me for that but I want to be sure I expressed myself properly since I'm not a native speaker and all.

    The concept of software evolution may be inevitable, I don't question that yet from a commercial standpoint, C2 did a bad job with the trust of this one non-coder if the last 22 months is to be reference. I know the people behind this tool from this forum, site posts and a couple e-mails and they're clearly honest, hard working, respectable and very good at what they do so I can subjectively say the following 22 months aren't going to be as bad. However I'm a realist and I find it risky to invest my personal time and effort on C2 any further. This isn't something to be angry about and I'm not but I believe it deserves a thread here (which you can delete after some time if you think it'll have a negative impact on C2 commercially but I'm just one random guy posting his opinion here, shouldn't hurt C2 really). I hope I were able to express my criticism and reasoning to post here better this time. I wish the team luck and thank everyone who stayed on topic regardless of whether or not they agreed.

  • Thanks for the response Ashley, appreciated.

  • If you don't want any assistance, then why even bother to make such a post?

    Whilst I defend everyone's right to have there own opinion, this post is just pointless if it is just a case of complaining.

    I don't understand why you'd bother.

    Software - every software - has problems and quirks.

    Well then IGNORE MY POST.

  • Hi,

    I were wrong about C2.

    I remember how excited I were when it was released. Not only it was a very promising, easy to use, powerful development tool targeted for artists and non developers such as myself but I also wanted to support the independent developers behind it because I respected their enthusiasm and bravery so I became an early adopter.

    For a couple weeks I worked on some minor crappy games and happened to build a completely playable canabalt clone.

    That was 22 months ago. Today I launched C2 for the first time after 22 months, installed the new version, opened my complete and working canabalt clone project and absolutely nothing works. Every calculating that has worked until now behaves differently the instant I run the project.

    Now I can try to debug this mess, probably spending as much time as I did making it in the first place but would you really do that if you were me? I don't care about this game at all actually. Today I were planning to start another project, some sort of an adventure game but why would I keep using a tool that can't open projects newer than 2 years? Would you?

    Imagine launching a new version of an adobe program like after effects or premiere and your videos play differently. Of course scirra is no adobe but breaking backwards compatibility is the kind of thing you'd expect from leisure programmers keeping their programs in a neverending beta state.

    I'm not going to argue whether or not breaking existing projects during version updates were necessary due to a technical reason. I just don't care. Commercially, you can't expect people to trust your platform when their work may be useless for no reason at all. I still respect the team and their effort here but I no longer trust C2 enough to develop anything with it. I were very wrong to not use a more widely supported platform in the first place.

    I'm sure kind people here will try to help me, even ask for my c2 files but I thank you beforehand and will have to reject such offers because having to resort to human help in such situation only confirms the problem with C2. Not gonna gamble my time and work again. I'm also very prejudiced against regulars on any forum; I just don't think people who regular forums can keep their objective view so excuse me if I'm indifferent to your opinions.

  • austin

    Thank you for checking this issue. :)

    I did as you said. You mean putting it right in the root of the C2 generated .zip right? This is the current state:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3138530/2012-08-15%2010.24.56.png" border="0" />

    Do you want me to send you the .capx?

  • austin

    This is what I get on the debugger alongside a black screen. Is it really the case of clay.io and CocoonJS not working together?

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3138530/Screenshot_2012-08-09-17-20-10.png" border="0" />

    I like the fact that we have a great tool to make games without coding (c2), a great way to publish them on android (cocoonjs) and now a very cool system to maintain high scores (clay.io) but the sum is greater than the parts and as long as they don't work together, they sum to nothing. :/

    further information:

    I'm not using facebook api. I only have a basic leaderboard setup that sends scores upon game over and populates a text boxt with Clayio.LeaderboardScore(loopindex) and Clayio.LeaderboardName(loopindex)

  • Today I realized that the amount of inaccuracy in distance depends on the width of the platform object the end sprite's x position is set to. Wider platforms cause greater deviations.

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  • I thought I couldn't attract attention on their forum because it was pretty much empty but you're right of course.

  • Shameless bump for ludei people.

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