HolidayExplanation's Recent Forum Activity

  • lucid Any news on this?

  • This might do the job, try it.

  • Thanks vubidugil, but it's really a shame that we still don't have Spriter support, it's tough making a serious game like that, mostly since your game will be around 30 times bigger without Spriter plugin support.

  • Well, I'm using Spriter and without the plugin, my game is going to get pretty heavy. So, is there a plugin that's working yet? The download link on the inital topic message is broken, and I can't really find the plugin anywhere for C3.

  • Yeah I guess the colors are too bright and don't really suite, maybe different color palette? And why is it that we need this Captcha Robot Check crap, there's nothing more annoying or easier to hate. The old forum worked without it and I'd gladly use the old one just because of the Annoying Captcha.

  • Forum looks stunning, but I wish it had a dark theme for my eyes :(

    Hope the links including the Manual are a known issue

  • I read through your post on that yesterday, but I really couldn't figure out how I could implement anything, since there were no examples. I have the experimental features enabled, but I don't see the BBcode option on the Text or Text Input object. Ashley

    I need it to extend my narration text system, the system is already done via the Text object. It's basically a ton of text's getting written inside the Text object at all times. Like a chat being written by just one person and on text object that gets text, writes it and then clears the object, writes once again etc. And I prefer not using Text Input for things like that since, that is a text input and is made for getting input from the user.

  • How can I use BBCode to apply style to a certain word in a Text object.

    For example: "<b>Hello</b>, I am a <color=#fff>regular</color> string."

    I don't want to use a million Text instances to accomplish that..

  • You have a weapon that is pinned to the player. The weapon gets its angle set every tick to the position of the mouse.

    How can I then give the weapon an angle limit, where no matter how much the player moves the mouse around, the rifle won't follow outside the angle of 0 to 90?

    I've been stuck on this for a while as I'm out of ideas, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Sorry for reopening this post, but here's another simple way to do this and someone might need it in the future.

  • Interesting idea, especially for the online database part. Think I might do just that! Thanks This helps me quite a lot!!

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  • I am building a translator for my language and I quite know how I'm gonna do the rest of the engine, but I am stuck on a problem that I wanted to do first, as the rest of the engine will be easy to programm.

    Works like this: When I type a word into the TextBox, it adds the word (if it's detected) into a Text instance variable called Output. Then it sets the Text to Output.

    Problem: Words getting overwritten; when a user types for example "You are cool", it translates to "i pai" and when I write any of the already used words again, e.g. "You are cool, you", it doesn't add another "you" at the end as it should. *It's because the value is already in the variable.*

    Problem 2: My realtime breaks at the point when I start deleting stuff. It adds a word to a variable when it detects it and then sets the variable equal to the display text, but the strings in the variable don't get removed. Is there a way to find a value in a variable and replace it with "" so that it removes it and the space it took as well?

    My Capx:

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Member since 27 Sep, 2015

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