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  • Just pretend to be the one using the translated software, and see how it would be the easiest for you to understand the concepts. Am not working on it, it's just too much of a time investment for me, and I don't have that time right now.

  • And did anyone out there have experience with that?


  • Definitely a cool system, thank you for showing it off! I like the idea of Slot and Item family, it's probably something I will need to implement into my project too cause at one point, a forge will have its own slots, an oven etc. and then I would need a separate system for each which is a pain. Might consider not using arrays next time around, it's a lot less controllable with them :P

  • This could be done by manually inserting CSS into your exported project.

    Step 1: Export project as HTML5

    Step 2: Find style.css in your downloaded project folder

    Step 3: Open the file in Notepad, find the line "body, html { }" (without " ") and inside of the brackets { } add this line:

    -webkit-user-drag: none;

    Step 4: Save file

    The line should then look like this:

    html, body {

    -webkit-user-drag: none;

    (other similar code can be seen inside)


    If that doesn't work, try doing adding this line to the file style.css

    * {

    -webkit-user-drag: none;


    This should work for both Chrome and Safari.

  • AllanR

    Thank you guys so much I really appreciate it, was starting to lose my mind over it! Unbelievable that I didn't see that it was Slot instead of chestSlot as well, no matter how many times I check through things my autopilot still kicks in. I see now, thanks to you what the problems were. These subtle things are the toughest - at least to me, especially Order of Operation if that's how it's called

    Out of curiosity AllanR - how would an inventory be possible without an array, frankly I cannot even imagine that. And how could you actually simplify it? I know that my code is quite messy, so I always like getting some criticism and look at stuff from different angles to improve.

  • [Every tick] | [Sprite set angle] angle(sprite.x,sprite.y,mouse.x,mouse.y)

  • I wouldn't post this, but I am days on these 2 problems. I would really appreciate some help, I have even redone the entire inventory system from scratch, and it still doesn't work for me. I am still practicing my array skills, so sometimes I encounter issues like this that I think should work, but can't.

    First issue:

    Where: In Event Sheet called Chests, line 6 - marked with a bookmark.

    What is going on: I have a simple inventory using an array called arr_Chest. I made it so you can put items into it, but when I try to take stuff out onto my mouse (with InventoryManager.itemType, .handAmount which then creates a ground item, sets bool pinned true so you can move it around on screen and drop it or place it into your player inventory), it won't work and I really cannot figure out why it is.

    Important: Since I couldn't create a version where LMB click is working, I did it with RMB just to show what I am trying to achieve [on line 6 Conditions]

    I would really appreciate if someone manages to figure out a new way, it's only a line of code that I think is the problem.

    Second issue:

    Where: Event Sheet called Inventory, Line 24 and then Line 39, also bookmarked.

    What is going on: I have a simple player inventory using an array called Inv.

    On line 24: I am trying to check if the function AddToInv has 2 or 3 parameters, the third param is for putting items into a specific Slot which you hover and if you have 2 params then it does it automatically.

    On line 39: I just call that function with 3 parameters.

    project file:


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  • Thank you!

  • When trying to set an Origin Point's y to 0.5, when I close the window it just reverts to 1? Are floats not allowed? I know they are in C3 since I used it there normally.

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Member since 27 Sep, 2015

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