Limbdash's Recent Forum Activity

  • Alright! Thank you so much for answering my question! Keep on experimenting

  • Hi! Is there a specific reason you made this system or was it just an experiment? I'm making a game with clearly divided levels and this is the first time I'm going so far that I need to make a save system. I'm planning to use Construct's own "Save slot" system but I am checking if there are a lot of alternatives.

    I guess I just wanted to ask do you have any experience with the "Save slot" system? Are you experimenting because you think there are better ways to handle saving? Or was this just for fun?

    I tested your demo, good job!

  • Actually I have found out that you have to reference with the number of the image point, so if it's the first image point it is sopmething like


    The quotes don't work

    I'm writing this in case someone looks back at this post. Referencing the name of the image point DOES WORK. I don't know if it has been fixed/added in an update after this conversation or has it been there since 2012 but you can do either of these:



  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi, I'm a game graphics student and just downloaded the free version of construct 2. This might become my new prototyping tool and maybe I'll try making complete games too.

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