SpriteAttack's Recent Forum Activity

  • Check out these tutorials - they might help:


  • Alex - Inkscape is free and so is gimp... ;)

  • I just wrote a tutorial on creating game assets with bitmap output in mind... It might be helpful for the Scirra community...

    <img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wdYUy2qrtsc/T0WHnNfY_SI/AAAAAAAAAzY/If_QwBKU6Zs/s1600/tutorial_sample28b.jpg" border="0" />


  • thanks, SoldjahBoy!

  • Thanks, kittiewan... I am glad you like my work... I will make sure to keep writing and posting new tutorials and art bits.

  • Thanks for the flowers... I am trying to update both the blog and Gamasutra - compiling posts into a bigger set for the Gamasutra blog. A new post is due soon... (I am currently being slowed down by computer problems...)

  • - sprites are basically moving objects and don't have to be pixeled. In order to create content quicker I create most of my art in vectors - as it scales lossless.

    Kyatric - thanks... It's not that hard to get started and after that it's a matter of practice, more practice and a little bit more - or in my case 20+ years of it... :)

  • Thanks, guys... I am surprised there is no 'game art' section on the forum...

  • I am currently working on several sets of stock game art - so far mainly characters. Check out the BlockBuddies:

    <img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-1BfEr6uMLLM/Tu3PSn3vg0I/AAAAAAAAAV0/HZM4vOqa9t8/s640/BlockBuddies_showIcons.png" border="0">

    BlockBuddies game art

    Each set comes with 53 frames and 4 sizes (S 64x64, M 96x96, L 128x128 and XL 256x256) and also includes a flipped version for game engines like GameSalad.

    The sets sell at USD 15.00 with the bundles containing 3 characters selling at USD 37.50 and two character sets going for USD 20.00.

    <img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4RdVZ0d_4WE/Tu3PRAzs4EI/AAAAAAAAAVo/ucE7BFPz7nA/s1600/BlockBuddies_Dummyshow.png" border="0">

    [This is a sample of the frames - and the dummy is free to use in your game (commercial or free).]



    2dgameartforprogrammers blog

  • - I use a wacom tablet for all my art [pixel, vector, digital painting and 3D] but it's just a matter of what you feel more comfortable with... Inkscape and Gimp work fine either way...

    As far as onionskin animation in Inkscape goes it's limited but works - see my latest tutorrial on animation:


    Ize - I am glad you like the tutorials and would like to see what you come up with.

  • I can give it a try... It shouldn't be too hard ;)

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  • Hi, I am Chris... pixelpusher, vectorbender and quadturner for a long, long time... I have been working as a freelance artist, art lead and creative director for various indie developers and on more games than I can remember... The most recent release is "The adventures of Shuggy" for Xbox Live Arcade with Smudge Cat games and bunch of iphone/ ipad games with Utopian Games.

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Member since 7 Dec, 2011

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