Hey toy for the replay guys.
Chrisinfinger, can you share the project file with me? for some reason I am not getting the result you are saying.
Sprite B does move after 0.25 seconds but it does not travel the same distance as Sprite A.
Also, since it is a platformer game, It is more than just X position. When Sprite A jumps, then Sprite B should jump at the Positon as Sprite A jumped from and follow sprite A's jumping trail in order to sync with Sprite A's movement.
Phantomumboxing, tried Lerp but it wasn't the result I was looking for. Thanks anyway.
MadSpy, I've played with your snakey project and it looks really great. However, is there a way to apply animation to the body of the snake? based on my assessment of your conditions, body sprites are repeatedly created and destoried.
I look forward to hearing from you.