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  • Then your users can play it on any device or any screen size.

    Thank you gumshoe2029 can you tell me how to auto-scale every UI bit? Is it default option or we need to setup? having anything more to set? I seen your code. Can i use it for any one?

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  • Thank you for your time. So i am going to select HD 1080p Landscape (16:9) document. is It good for my work or not. Please explain me to select it.

    (16:9) is having 3 deferent selections. [SD (16:9) / HD 720 (16:9) / HD 1080 (16:9)] i want to work my game for all of devices. So i hope HD 1080 is the best one. But if i select it, then it will slow the mobile users play time? may i correct?

  • Dear friends,

    This is my first post. I am trying to make simple game. That game will host on a web server. So anyone can play it using my website. My target devices are Mobile, Tab, laptop, Desktop and every internet access devices. So how i select resolution for my game? What is the best solution for this?

  • Hello friends,

    I am happy to work with my friends. I am new to construct and Html5. But my target is big one. I like to make my own game. So i hope my best friends will help me to do it correctly and creatively.

    Thank you for your time!

    Under Coding!

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under coding

Member since 17 Sep, 2015

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