Unfortunately, the initial fix to Canary (lock to system v-sync on windows) has been reverted.
Performance currently seems inconsistent...when I first tested a couple projects today, it was halting and jerking worse than ever...almost as bad as firefox. Now, after running a couple more times, performance seems pretty good. I suppose, being alpha, that's to be expected.
The way I look at it is this: many of the movers and shakers in tech are moving toward 'run anywhere' applications, cloud apps are becoming more and more common, and the web is getting visually richer all the time. The issues we're dealing with may have been peripheral in the past, but not anymore.
Browser makers are becoming very focused on performance, and as such, I think issues like these will continue to take on increasing priority. In respect to 'jerky' movement, IE is currently kicking Chrome and FF in their metaphorical arse. That won't last.
tl;dr: Project Silk was not a response to a few C2 devs complaining that their 'Flappy Jack' epic was not up to speed.
Even talented teams working with high-budget engines have to deal with glitches and bugs...seen the recent coverage on Assassin's Creed?