How about creating a statusvariable that will be comepare to a countvariable. So for example, if you expect the user to hit 4 button, have the count set to 4 ans increase the status by one, whenever the user hits the button. So you should be able to "create an event" to react to....
Very nice game. I personaly think the "Midair" Level is to tough...
ok, so this seems to be just a missunderstandig due to languagebarriers.
Sorry for that!
I am not SCIRRA, thou this is just me personal 2-cents:
Why do you ask the question, after your deed is done? If you're aware, that you could break a rule, why not ask for permission beforehand?
Build in a Textarea and display the message when the event occurs....
....if you need more your CAPX
Awesome! Thanks R0J0hound
ok, and where do you need help?
you could use an invisible sprite as a trigger
Sure, I can live with storing a reference to an object instead of storing the whole object. Its just a little more code ans probably not so straight forward for neebies...
<img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Global Variable HandDistance = 40 // Distance between body and hand in pixel System: Every tick -> Hand: set X to cos(angle(Player.X,Player.Y,Mouse.X,Mouse.Y))*HandDistance -> Hand: set Y to sin(angle(Player.X,Player.Y,Mouse.X,Mouse.Y))*HandDistance
Yann: You are really into math, arent you? <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
Und ich sitze in der "Wiege" des Ruhrgebiets. Ganz in der N�he von Essen und Bochum
Even not, if you select one of the RED BOXES`?
Member since 22 Nov, 2011